Aching muscles from BP last night - should I go to the gym t

felly07 Posts: 43 Member
I did my first Body Pump

class last night and now I'm aching in muscles I didn't know I had - and quite a lot in my legs. I really WANT to go to the gym tonight - should I?


  • Ashleyroberts297
    Ashleyroberts297 Posts: 10 Member
    hey ..i love body pump i do it 2 times a week! and yes defo go 2nite just dnt over do it!! maybe do cardio instead of weights goodluck!!
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    According to my trainer if you are really sore do not workout, if it is a light soreness you can. Typically if I am sore and workout I just do cardio.
  • EdensMummy
    EdensMummy Posts: 106 Member
    Yes, absolutely. You may even find the exercise helps to ease it off a bit.
  • felly07
    felly07 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks everyone, I shall do some light cardio - walking and swimming. I was hoping one of you would say it would help!
  • DanaKinzer
    DanaKinzer Posts: 72
    When I'm sore, I workout the muscles that I'm sore in to loosen them up a bit. It always helps them to feel better and the next time I work them hard, they don't feel it as badly.
  • felly07
    felly07 Posts: 43 Member
    Well I went... I managed to walk for 25mins, run for six and swim for 10. I am still very achy though but I'm so glad I went! Day off tomorrow though.