Need Support Now More Than Ever!

I need friends now more than ever. I was so lucky to be a part of a weight loss competition with a local radio station. They gave us six weeks to work with a group of personal trainers. I was there four times a week doing strength and cardio. They helped me monitor my nutrition and everything. It was incredible. But it's over now.

At the end of the competition (last Thursday), my team won. Together we lost 46 inches and 55lbs. I only lost 7lbs, but that was all in the last two weeks. I did, however, lose 9.5 inches. 2.75 of which were from my waist alone.

I don't want to stop. But, the competition is over, along with the free training sessions. And I can't afford a trainer on my own. I wish I could. Having someone there routing you on is incredible. Even knowing that someone is waiting for you for that 6:45am appointment makes hitting the snooze button less of an option.

I'm fearful that I won't be able to keep going alone. Let me rephrase that. It's not about ABILITY. I'm afraid that I won't be motivated to keep it going. That I will just fall back into my lazy cycle. I am, however, trying to make small changes in my entire life. Like, I'm trying to make my bed every morning. I know that sounds stupid and trivial, but I never have made my bed (and I'm a nurse, go figure). My mom just did it for me. And I've always lived alone, or at least had my own room since then... But, it's one thing I'm trying to do every day. Next step, put my laundry away as soon as I take it out of the dryer. Oh, do I dread that.

But, with this exercise and weight loss journey, I really think support from others will be the biggest help. So, will you help me stay on track?


  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    there are lots of supportive people on this site!!! You can do this!!!
  • DanniR88xx
    DanniR88xx Posts: 22 Member
    YES!!! We can all support each other! Good luck :)

    Feel free to add me
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    You've got the momentum, now go with it. For a while, just do some of the exercises the trainers had you do, and if you can't afford new trainers, go to a book store and buy a well repected fitness book to learn some more. Or join a gym that has fun group classes. Losing 7 lbs is nothing to sneeze at, especially with all those inches you lost. Get excited, you are in a good place to where you look to be moving out of the "I need to lose weight" zone and into the "getting athletic zone". I'm envious. Good for you.
  • akeating526
    I think it's great what you're doing! Including the making your bed every morning. It's all about small steps!!
  • rockgirl47
    I too feel like you do. I had a trainer for a few months yes expensive. I did lose 40lbs and over 16inches total now i have not had her for the past month. I want to continue to do good and not backslide, I know I am accountable to myself first, but it was nice having her I really wanted to be successful for myself she was a great motivator. I can and you can continue to do what we have learned. Remember cardio 4 or more days a week and strength at least twice a week, I try to remember what we did strength training wise so when I go into the gym I can do some of them. She was like my security and I wanted to also make her proud of me. You will do fine:)
  • sguggenmos
    sguggenmos Posts: 10
    I wish you nothing but the best! We are all here to help you. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. It's not easy to change your life, but it's certainly rewarding! Keep it up, even little (sometimes stupid) changes make a HUGE difference!
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Add me as a friend! I feel like we have a lot in common. Motivation is definitely my biggest hurdle. And I've just recently (like within the past few weeks), started putting up my clothes after they are washed :)

    I know that many people have issues with being motivated to work out at home, but I recently got into the Jillian Michael's workout program. I'm 12 days into 30 Day Shred, and I feel good about what I have accomplished so far. It's only a 20-25 minute workout, but it's a killer, and it has been easy for me to just tell myself that it's only 20 minutes out of my day, I can do it! So far it's working :)

    I have a gym membership, but it was a struggle for me to get there and I hated the monotony of ellipticals and treadmills. I would do the occasional strength training regime, but it would kinda be the same thing over and over, and to feel like I got a good workout, I felt like I needed to be at the gym for around an hour.

    I know I'm kinda taking the easy way out with my 25 minutes a day, but I am completely exhausted by the end and I have already noticed an increase in my endurance and strength.

    Anyway, now that you have my life story, we can be friends! A little encouragement can go a long way!
  • kbcakes
    kbcakes Posts: 84
    Every journey begins with a single step, and you've already done that!! Congratulations on your success!! Even if the scale didn't more as much as you'd like, the inches lost is just as important.

    I have found that since starting MFP I am more aware of what I put into my mouth and nine times out of ten I find myself NOT eating something because I don't NEED it, I just WANT it. Now, I don't deprive myself of anything, I still eat desserts, but I don't crave them like I used to, and I definitely feel more in control.

    You can do this on your own!! Feel free to add me as a friend. I'd be happy to cheer you on.

    Good luck on your journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You can keep the momentum going. Just keep thinking how good it feels right now to have lost those few pounds and all of those inches.

    One bit of advice for the laundry.... Throw away the laundry basket. It's just an excuse to let your laundry sit in a (neat) pile. I have a hook over the door of my laundry room for hangers. When the dryer buzzes, I stop what I am doing and immediately take everything out of the dryer one by one. Shirts and work slacks go on hangers and everything else gets folded on top of the dryer. I then put everything away. The bonus? I NEVER have to iron.
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I just joined last Thursday! Happy to join you on your journey! Feel free to friend me! :flowerforyou: