Why does MFP not count Calories burnt for strength training??

Really as per the title, I train around 4 times a week with at least 10-20 mins weight training per session and one day out of my visits dedicated to weight training.

I have just logged my strength training from today and MFP does not recognise this as a calorie burn however weight training is a key aspect of my weight loss.

Anyone else know why??


  • acaavage
    acaavage Posts: 2 Member
    I can only speculate, but there aren't any easy calculations for the strength training. (i.e. time spent doing a certain activity) The app does seem to have an activity called something like "gym exercise" that you can put for a set amount of time and I think it is approximately 450kcal/hour for an 85kg male.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Log it under cardio if you want the calories for it. The strength training section is for tracking. Under cardio search for strength training - just be aware the calories are probably very inaccurate.
  • theconnertys
    theconnertys Posts: 31 Member
    Generally speaking, strength training is not a high calorie burn activity. It is still good for you...and as you add muscle mass your overall daily burn goes up...but on its own lifting just does not burn much.


    You are say doing endurance sets (high reps) AND super setting. In other words, lifting in a way that keeps your heart rate up.