Any one doing this - AGAIN?



  • aceofspades243
    aceofspades243 Posts: 2 Member
    My original starting point was like 3 years ago lol. I was 176 and lost 20 lbs. I ate 6 meals a day and worked out 2-4 times a day lol. Got down to 156 lbs then quit.

    I got up to 210 lbs last year and decided to try again. Got down to 192 lbs in like 2 months and then quit because I moved away.

    Now for the 50th time lol. I'm going at it again. I've been off and on the past 3 months. Changing my diet is the hardest. I'm addicted to processed foods but trying hard to give it all up. It's a slow process but never give up. Trying to eat 6 times a day again which is hard. Working out 2-4 times a day and doing a few challenges to see if that helps me.

    I'm wanting to lose 30-40 lbs before I go back home which is 3-4 months. Going to be strict on my food for sure.

    I really need some friends. That would be nice to see how everyone is doing each day. Add me!!
  • LisaG7615
    LisaG7615 Posts: 12 Member
    I can definitely relate. I've lost significant weight twice only to eventually gain it back. This is my 3rd time back. I'm looking for people to hold me accountable & keep me motivated. Please feel free to add me.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I am in the same boat myself. Back in 2011 I joined MFP and lost 50 lbs. Life got the best of me last year and I fell hard off the wagon of success with my fitness and healthy eating. Gained all the weight I lost back plus some. I go again!
  • LoFoSho100
    LoFoSho100 Posts: 66 Member
    Well, the good news is--- WE ARE NOT ALONE! It's so depressing when you come to the realization that you gave up what you worked so hard for! I lost 70 pounds previously and felt amazing. Now that 70 pounds, plus 30 more, has crept back on. I am dedicated to being AND STAYING successful this time around. I am tired of wearing sweatpants, avoiding mirrors, and getting winded going up a flight of stairs. :|
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I'd like to point out that virtual cat abuse doesn't leave bruises. It is your own responsibility to care about you. We can certainly enjoy sharing stories, recipes, and commiserations and encouragement with one another, but you have to take care of number one.
  • nathanialt
    nathanialt Posts: 10 Member
    I have always had a food problem, I like it, and then I lost 30 lbs on MFP and felt great. Then I gained 25 lbs and didn't feel great so I became Serious again and lost 35 lbs and felt Great. Then got complacent and gained all of it back and now I'm 10 lbs less than the day I started. Years of on and off again effort and I lost 10 lbs. Big whoop. To make matters worse I contracted one of the most insidious ailments known to man, I got old. No cure I'm told. Just have to deal with it. So being old and fat is apparently not a good thing. Joints ache, energy is non-existent, give a crap is really difficult, well nigh impossible. I need help. I walked last night and almost didn't make it home. Almost didn't care.

    I'm going to try this one more time. I will be watching all of you to see if anyone comes up with a magic don't have to do this solution. Really hopeful on that one. Regardless, I'll try. I like pie. I like steak and potato. I like beer and wine. I really like donuts. I will miss them most of all.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. Lost about 40 pounds, then had an illness that sidelined me for the better part of a year (which caused me to gain all that I lost plus an additional 20-25 pounds). I've been back on for a few months and am down 10 pounds.

    For me the past few months have been a bit of denial and self-sabotage. But I was just diagnosed with diabetes, and my doctor is confident with dietary changes, exercise, and weight loss I can have that reversed. So that's given me a huge reason to be on track.
  • estierich2016
    estierich2016 Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2016
    Yes... Lost 20lbs. Have gained 10lbs back again. I don't ever want to go back to the way i was. Halfway is enough to give me the wake up call i needed. And i hadn't even reached my goal weight the 1st time. I just ordered Shaun-T "Cize it Up", and back on Davina "Intense" & "Fit in 15". I have a holiday i want to book. If I can lose half of the weight before Oct. I am gonna go ahead and book it. If not.. Well I am going to have a disappointed husband. I am mainly doing this for me as I do a sedentary job and don't want to be getting fat off office cakes and seeing other people doing just that stuffing themselves, makes me a bit ill. And that gives me motivation to try again. As i was one of them. Its to easy to say, oh go on its friday. Or oh go on I'll burn it off later. Then later never comes. I am looking for friends to keep me motivated if anyone on here needs the same, feel free to post.
  • estierich2016
    estierich2016 Posts: 2 Member
    How do u add people? They have updated this since i was last on here!! Everything has changed! Grr lol.
  • amhuff2009
    amhuff2009 Posts: 2 Member
    OK please count me in, I originally started my journey in Jan 2012 and up until last summer I was eating healthy and working out almost 7 days a week, I went through a really rough patch , personally , losing my husband through divorce, my family unit falling apart and the kids growing older and moving away and then my mom passing away, after 3 almost 4 years of dedication and hard work.... Major Depression has set in and I have been on a forward climb to get back up on the horse, with having one or two good faithful days and the then its back to the black sliding. My eating goes right back to the quick, processed crap. I started out at 279 got down to 164 and current weight today 195.4... someone help me to stay motivated and to find the right track and stay on board.... (I know we have to want to do this on our own, but it never hurts to have others in the same boat helping you to row.)
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    How do u add people? They have updated this since i was last on here!! Everything has changed! Grr lol.

    I'm not sure if there's another way, but you can go to their profile then click the "Add Friend" button.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Yah, lost about 45lbs, gained 22 back in the last 7 weeks :open_mouth: feeling disappointed in myself, and embarrassed to see everyone that has been complimenting me on the weight loss :(. Taking it one day at a time, today I did good. Need help to stay on track everyday...
  • jeanineolson
    jeanineolson Posts: 37 Member
    I am in the same boat. Lost 70 pounds and gained it all back. I can use all the help i can get.
  • crystalmgriff
    crystalmgriff Posts: 23 Member
    It sucks getting so excited about something just to loose that and feel disappointed all over again. I was laid off from my job early last year, so I took the time to focus on fitness and healthy eating managing to loose about 15lbs. Started working the end of 2015 and currently have I gained it back and a few more pounds. I have so much health information and know what I need to do I just have no motivation to start again. Good luck to you and I hope you get back to where you want to be.
  • zduraj
    zduraj Posts: 15 Member
    Same here. Lost all baby weight, felt amazing for 1 year and now :'( . Sometimes I feel that even the water makes me fat omg. I really love food :#
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    This is my third time around, but every time I start off better than the time before. The first time, I think I lost about 20 pounds. Then I got off-track, and gained a bit back.

    The second time, I had just gotten pregnant. I used MFP to keep a healthy weight while pregnant, lost all of the baby weight, maintained for a little while, and then got all the way down to my goal weight. Then I thought, "I can maintain this without logging." Nope. I gained 15 pounds!

    This time I'm accepting that getting to my goal is not the end. I've lost about half of that, but I'm feeling frustrated. Last time I got rid of all of my old pants because they were too big and falling off. Now I'm basically trying to get back into my own pants. I know that when I hit my goal weight I have to set a new goal. Not for loss, but something to keep me motivated and working. Otherwise I'll get bored and gain again. :(
  • LizSmith55
    LizSmith55 Posts: 77 Member
    This is the 1st time for me with MFP BUT CERTAINLY not the 1st time for me yo-yo'ing with my weight. I can easily make excuses as to why...but this is this the first time I have worked as hard as I have. Oct. 1, 2015 I started this process & was down just about 50 lbs as of March 1, 2016. I still needed to lose 20-25 lbs. to get to goal but decided to switch gears on how I approached this whole thing (front loading my approach with cardio exercise & easing up on my militant, mostly protein diet I had been following since my body was doing a few odd things) and have fallen stagnant & even gaining a few lbs. since then. I am in seriously need to RE-commit myself to lose these last 25 lbs & find a diet that makes me feel really good & exercise reasonably.
  • Sunnyday13
    Sunnyday13 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm totally there with you. Between job changes, mood changes and city changes, it can be hard to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. I've just got back on here with the intention to work out and be more aware of my food habits. If you are interested in support, I'm here for you.
  • brucejei
    brucejei Posts: 102 Member
    I'm giving this a try again. I also lost a bit of weight the first time, but because of certain circumstances I started to gain some of the weight back. :-( I decided to give this another try... I'm about a week in, and doing OK so far.
  • FrancesLyon
    FrancesLyon Posts: 10 Member
    This is my second time around, I lost 32 pounds the first time and gained back 35. One of my siblings passed away ,along with working and going to college full time I just stopped trying. I am back and I am more determined than ever. It is much harder this time than it was the last time around. I have managed to workout everyday and get my eating habits on a healthy track. I would love to join a group every bit of help is appreciated.