Summer Season Challenge!



  • braintown
    braintown Posts: 80 Member
    Name: Angela
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight: 176
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 161

    June 20: 176
    June 25: 172.2
    July 2: 170.7
    July 9: 169.6
    July 16: 168.2
    July 23:
    July 30:
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):

    I really thought I had bungled it this week, so it's a great surprise that I still lost. Lots of social eating and lots of fun exercise.
  • stephlemberg178
    stephlemberg178 Posts: 7 Member
    Name: Stephanie

    Starting Weight: 180.9
    Goal Weight at the end of summer:

    June 20:
    June 25:
    July 2:
    July 9: not on fitness pal before this date
    July 16: 180.9
    July 23:
    July 30:
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):
  • stephlemberg178
    stephlemberg178 Posts: 7 Member
    I am so new to fitness pal. Can we edit our posts every week to add our Saturday weigh in? I am not even sure how to officially join challenges. If willing please help me get acclimated.
  • JC1459
    JC1459 Posts: 33 Member
    edited July 2016
    Summer Season Challenge Community Message Board Post each Saturday
    (Weight on May 21, 2016 was 225 lbs) !!!

    Name: Robyn
    Age: 56

    Starting Weight June 20: 203.3
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 173.0

    June 20: 203.3
    June 25: 202.3
    July 2: 200.2
    July 9: 195.9
    July 19: 194.4 (Hit the 30.6 LB LOSS mark since May 21 2016)
    July 23:
    July 30:
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Name: Laurie
    Age: 43

    Starting Weight: 240.2
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 225

    June 20: 240.2
    June 25: 238.6
    July 2: 237.5
    July 9: 236
    July 16: 233
    July 23: 231.4
    July 30:
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):
  • traceyc83
    traceyc83 Posts: 72 Member
    Age: 32

    Starting Weight: 172
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 160

    June 20: 172
    June 25: 170.7
    July 2: 169.6
    July 9: 167.4
    July 16: 165.7
    July 23: 163.6
    July 30:
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer)
  • braintown
    braintown Posts: 80 Member
    Name: Angela
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight: 176
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 161

    June 20: 176
    June 25: 172.2
    July 2: 170.7
    July 9: 169.6
    July 16: 168.2
    July 23: 166.3
    July 30:
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    Name: Janna
    Age: 41

    Starting Weight: 177.2
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 170.0

    June 20: 177.2
    June 25: ?? (on a cruise of gluttony & drunkenness... it was awesome)
    July 2: 178 (used analog scale, as I was still on vacation)
    July 9: 178.0
    July 16: 176.5
    July 23: 175.1
    July 30:
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):

    Oh good gravy, this week is going to be tough. It's Restaurant Week, so we've got reservations for 4 nights, plus I have a work dinner I have to go to. Although I'm trying to make the best choices available, I know dining out is the worst. I'm attempting to offset the sodium & calorie overload with cardio/strength training classes early in the morning. Alas, I foresee a gain in my future... :cry:
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Name: Laurie
    Age: 43

    Starting Weight: 240.2
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 225

    June 20: 240.2
    June 25: 238.6
    July 2: 237.5
    July 9: 236
    July 16: 233
    July 23: 231.4
    July 30: 229.3
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    Name: Janna
    Age: 41

    Starting Weight: 177.2
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 170.0

    June 20: 177.2
    June 25: ?? (on a cruise of gluttony & drunkenness... it was awesome)
    July 2: 178 (used analog scale, as I was still on vacation)
    July 9: 178.0
    July 16: 176.5
    July 23: 175.1
    July 30: 175.0
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):

    Shocked. Actually had a loss. It's a tiny one... but it's a loss! :smiley:
  • braintown
    braintown Posts: 80 Member
    Name: Angela
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight: 176
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 161

    June 20: 176
    June 25: 172.2
    July 2: 170.7
    July 9: 169.6
    July 16: 168.2
    July 23: 166.3
    July 30: 165.1
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):

  • traceyc83
    traceyc83 Posts: 72 Member
    Age: 32

    Starting Weight: 172
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 160

    June 20: 172
    June 25: 170.7
    July 2: 169.6
    July 9: 167.4
    July 16: 165.7
    July 23: 163.6
    July 30: no loss
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer)
    TEACHERHALEY1 Posts: 10 Member
    Name: Isabel
    Age: 37

    Starting Weight: 203.8
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 188

    June 20:
    June 25:
    July 2:
    July 9:
    July 16:
    July 23:
    July 30: 203.8
    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):

    Sadly, I got waaay off track this summer. Things got really busy and I stopped logging. I'm so happy to see everyone doing great and getting close to their goals! You guys are awesome and definitely motivating me to get back on track. Keep it up!!
  • braintown
    braintown Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome back, Isabel! Glad to see your post. Let's have a productive two months!
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    Name: Janna
    Age: 41

    Starting Weight: 177.2
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 170.0

    June 20: 177.2
    June 25: ?? (on a cruise of gluttony & drunkenness... it was awesome)
    July 2: 178 (used analog scale, as I was still on vacation)
    July 9: 178.0
    July 16: 176.5
    July 23: 175.1
    July 30: 175.0
    Aug 3: 176.8
    Aug 10:
    Aug 17:
    Aug 24:
    Aug 31:
    Sept 7:
    Sept 14:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):

    Eating out last week finally caught up to me. :frowning: Oh well, it was good. :wink: Back to doing the work and watching the diet. WE'RE HALFWAY THERE!!!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Name: Laurie
    Age: 43

    Starting Weight: 240.2
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 225

    June 20: 240.2
    June 25: 238.6
    July 2: 237.5
    July 9: 236
    July 16: 233
    July 23: 231.4
    July 30: 229.3
    Aug 6: 227.1
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):
    TEACHERHALEY1 Posts: 10 Member
    Name: Isabel
    Age: 37

    Starting Weight: 203.8
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 188

    June 20:
    June 25:
    July 2:
    July 9:
    July 16:
    July 23:
    July 30: 203.8
    Aug 6: 204
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):

    Since I hit 206 midweek, I'm happy with 204. I always log in the morning but keeping track all day has been a challenge. My goal for the week is to log all day or at least dinner since that's where I eat all of my calories (and then some).
  • braintown
    braintown Posts: 80 Member
    Name: Angela
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight: 176
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 161

    June 20: 176
    June 25: 172.2
    July 2: 170.7
    July 9: 169.6
    July 16: 168.2
    July 23: 166.3
    July 30: 165.1
    Aug 6: 165.6
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):

    Gonna count this as holding steady. This week is going to be even better!
  • unusualcharster
    unusualcharster Posts: 13 Member

    Name: Chary
    Age: 36

    Starting Weight: 167
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 150

    June 20: 167
    June 25: 165
    July 2: 163
    July 9: 160
    July 16: 159
    July 23: 162
    July 30: 162.5
    Aug 6: 163
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 21 (last day of summer):

    Summer has been crazy! I hope to get back in gear this week
  • JC1459
    JC1459 Posts: 33 Member
    Name: Robyn
    Age: 56

    Starting Weight: 203.3
    Goal Weight at the end of summer: 173.0

    June 20: 203.3
    June 25: 202.3
    July 2: 200.2
    July 9: 199.8
    July 16: 196.4
    July 23: 194.2
    July 30: 193.1
    Aug 6: 191.4
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
    Sept 3:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17: Sept 21 (last day of summer):