My Journey

My name is Erica and I am looking for a support system during my journey to a healthier lifestyle. I do not want to think of this as a diet but a lifestyle change. Let's see how I do!


  • guess_105
    guess_105 Posts: 3
    Best of luck on your Journey Erica! This is a great resource, and a perfect place to start!
  • CMGemstone
    CMGemstone Posts: 64 Member
    wishing you the best of luck!! There are some GREAT people on here for support!
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    My name is Erica and I am looking for a support system during my journey to a healthier lifestyle. I do not want to think of this as a diet but a lifestyle change. Let's see how I do!

    DITTO! Would be happy to join in on the journey with you! Just joined last week! Friend me if you'd like! :flowerforyou:
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Hi Erica,
    Welcome and good luck on this lifelong journey, that is the way
    that I look at it as well, to many times I have "dieted" and when I reached my goal went
    back to old eating habits and gained all i had lost and then some. So I know this time it
    has to be for life!

    This journey is much easier when we have support from others especially those who are just like us or was!

    so please feel free to add me for support! :smile:
  • fit4justme
    fit4justme Posts: 92 Member
    I just joined this past Sunday. There is a lot of good information and very supportive people here. Friend me if you would like.
  • Emily4H
    Emily4H Posts: 170
    Welcome!!! Good for you to begin your journey. We are all here to help you!!!
  • juliemkim
    juliemkim Posts: 5 Member
    I too have joined receintly, I would like to be with you on our journey.
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    welcome and good luck onyou new lifestyle journey feel free to add me as a friend for support