i became the person my dog needed me to be and lost 140lbs in the process.

gvizzle74 Posts: 123 Member
In September 2014 we lost our beloved dog to cancer. She was a sheppard/rottie mix and she we adored her. Part of what we loved so much was that she was just as lazy as we were so we could get away with missing a walk or two and short walks were enough for her (in hindsight, i regret not being more active with her...sorry baby). Two months with an empty house was more than we could bear so November 2014 we rescued a puppy. They told us she was a lab/rottie mix - yay, lazy rottie. Nope. That *kitten* had energy to spare. A DNA test revealed that she's a lab/terrier mix. Every evening was a futile act of trying to tire her out.
After a few months of trying to figure her out, my husband suggested that we might not be the right people for her. We didn't have an active enough lifestyle and it wasn't fair to her. We might have to find the right family for her. *kitten* that. I was in love. I decided to become the person she needed.
Luckily, I work from home so we started walking at lunch and after dinner. Slowly at first and not very far but it was enough for her. She was happy and exercised. Then one day I was getting dressed and noticed my pants were looser. I hadn't changed my diet, just added the walks but since I'd lost a few pounds I felt motivated.
It's important to share here that i was obese from the time i was a kid. it never bothered me - it was who i was. i was confident but realistic. i knew it was unhealthy, but i just thought "i'll lose it when i have to" - now i know "have to" is usually too late.
I downloaded MFP, dusted off a decade old stationary bike and got serious. I started logging all my meals, riding the stationary bike for 30 minutes four days a week and continued to walk the dog twice a day. Our walks got longer and faster.
One day my husband told me i'd stopped snoring. A little while later i noticed my lower back wasn't constantly hurting. I stopped watching so much TV and looked forward to our walks. my knees and ankles stopped hurting. The weight came off pretty quickly (until the last 5 - curse those last 5).
Fortunately, i'm not a binge eater or emotional eater - that made it much easier for me. I am a "rich" eater. Cream, butter, cheese - yes, yes, and yes! So i had to re-learn how to cook. I replaced my cookbooks with books from the Cooking Light editors and get all my recipes from there. I eat balanced and delicious meals - just smaller portions and i never feel hungry.
I have more energy than ever, my body doesn't hurt, i sleep like a baby, and i go into stores i can't afford just to try *kitten* on. I have some loose skin but it's not as bad as i thought it would be - besides, you can only see it when i'm nekkid and that's my husband's problem :)
i've been maintaining for four months and feel better than ever and have more energy at 41 than i had at 21.

http://imgur.com/0yza2zC (the pic was taking at 148 lbs - i've been maintaining 143 since March)


  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Wow...that's awesome! Congratulations :)
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    that's awesome!! Congratulations to you - and your dog! You know she is thrilled, too :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Loving the title

    Loving the commitment and success story

  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    That's awesome for you and your dog! I'm getting better at walking farther and faster while slowly trying to learn how to run for the same purpose of making sure my dog gets enough exercise.
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 543 Member
    Congratulations on the positive life change! Good to hear about you and your dog. <3
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    One year! You did this in a year?! That is fantastic! Congratulations! What was your starting weight? Wow. So impressed!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Wow, go you!! Love your story :smiley: Especially all your non-scale victories. I'm sure your fur-baby is very thankful, too!
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    WoW!!!! That is amazing in one year! This is like a fairytale....so happy for you and for the puppy!
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 194 Member
    edited July 2016
    Great job and a pat for your pup for inspiring you!
  • KimiAR
    KimiAR Posts: 117 Member
    I don't normally comment in here. Usually just lurk but your writing made me chuckle. I'm sure you're that much happier. Kudos to your pup for being the motivation and you for sticking to it!
  • Syneea
    Syneea Posts: 451 Member
    Wow, amazing!!!! Did hubby end up losing too from your change in cooking?? Fabulous shape!
  • Veffac
    Veffac Posts: 1 Member
    Fantastic! A little loss of weight can go a long way towards motivation and girl you now have a lot of motivation to meet whatever goal you've set for yourself. Kiddos to you and thank you for rescuing an animal. Turns out that your were the right family after all.
  • mikebooker1
    mikebooker1 Posts: 148 Member
    Great story!
  • kgarcia163
    kgarcia163 Posts: 2 Member
    They say you can tell the health of a dog by looking at its owner. You should be so proud. Way to go! What a great story to read. I think I am going to take my dogs on an extra long walk after dinner. You have motivated me too.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    What a great story. I'm so happy that you and your furry friend found each other. You look beautiful. I don't know you, but I'm proud of you! Nice job.
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    What an amazing story!
  • katielynn107
    katielynn107 Posts: 58 Member
    That's awesome- you both saved each other!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    How wonderful :star::star::star:
  • noctilumina
    noctilumina Posts: 65 Member
    I think all success stories make me smile, but this one made me positively beam with joy! I'm so happy for you, and for your pup!
  • gvizzle74
    gvizzle74 Posts: 123 Member
    charlene77 wrote: »
    One year! You did this in a year?! That is fantastic! Congratulations! What was your starting weight? Wow. So impressed!

    my starting weight was 283 lbs
  • gvizzle74
    gvizzle74 Posts: 123 Member
    kgarcia163 wrote: »
    They say you can tell the health of a dog by looking at its owner. You should be so proud. Way to go! What a great story to read. I think I am going to take my dogs on an extra long walk after dinner. You have motivated me too.

    thank you! i took my dog to the vet for her annual check up and when he listened to her heart he said "ah, that's the heartbeat of a well exercised dog" and i had never felt prouder :)
  • gvizzle74
    gvizzle74 Posts: 123 Member
    Syneea wrote: »
    Wow, amazing!!!! Did hubby end up losing too from your change in cooking?? Fabulous shape!

    Nope :) he still eats pop tarts for breakfast. although to be fair, he's been the same size (34 pants) since we met (20 years ago)
  • ForMe2No
    ForMe2No Posts: 235 Member
    That is awesome congrats!
  • DawnUrbanski
    DawnUrbanski Posts: 39 Member
    That is awesome!! I lost 70 walking my lab/terrier mix too
  • soufauxgirl
    soufauxgirl Posts: 392 Member
    Wow amazing transformation congrats to you and a huge hug and pat to your dog for the motivation she has given you
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