30 lbs to go by December 3rd.

Just thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm trying to lose the weight that crept up over the past year while planning my upcoming December wedding. I started at 225 about 3 weeks ago, and I'm currently down to 208. Been running, hiking, and playing lots of Pokemon Go! I'd love to see myself lose about 30 additional lbs before December 3rd. That's roughly 1.7 lbs per week, which in reality seems doable, but I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks!

I live in Stowe, Vermont so there's no shortage of outdoor activities! Will post progress pics soon.



  • fitnessum
    fitnessum Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2016
    I think it's totally doable if you stick to exercising (every day) and your diet of 1500-1700 calories per day. My goal is to loose 35lbs using the same plan. I started at 210lbs and should reach the finish line by December as well.
  • roddernation
    roddernation Posts: 48 Member
    Adjusting and watching your diet will be critical-- even more important than the exercise imo. 2 lbs a week is definitely doable.
  • NazKerpan
    NazKerpan Posts: 19 Member
    I love your name dude haha
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    Good luck. Joining a challenge could help. I'm in the two towers one and it is fun. Kind of turns exercising into a game on the days you just don't feel like it. I wish I cold play pokemon go, but my phone is full of the cranky.
  • SandwichProtector
    SandwichProtector Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all the replies.

    Fitnessum - we'll embark on this one together then!

    Roddernation - you're absolutely right. I heard somewhere that diet makes up roughly 65-70% of a healthy lifestyle, and exercise fills in the rest. I have a huge problem with nighttime binge-eating, and I'm in the difficult process of eradicating that habit.

    Tea Girl - Challenge sounds fun! Fix yo cranky phone, Pokemon Go has been a huge help to me this past week in staying active. I take it with me on runs now, even. :wink:

    NazKerpen - I work security at a Subway... kidding- I just like to pretend I'm clever from time to time.

    I'll probably start a progress thread elsewhere, but thanks again for all the tips. Good luck everyone!
  • Bronty3
    Bronty3 Posts: 104 Member
    edited July 2016
    First congrats on the weight lost already and on your wedding. If you only have about 38lbs. to go to a healthy weight range for your height then 1.7 might not be doable the whole time and may be a bit aggressive. Usually under 25lbs. to lose is about a .5 loss a week. Just, unfortunately, the closer you get to a healthy weight the slower weight loss becomes. That's when you'll really need to watch what you eat and weigh your food. Eat half your exercise calories back. I don't want to be a Debbie downer I just don't want you to get discouraged when you don't lose at the rate you expect. Also, remember weight loss isn't linear and can go up and stay the same for a week or two for a number of reasons. I say keep it all up and stay active and healthy. You may not lose the 30lbs., but you will be lighter and healthier and that's what matters.