IR, PCOS and 100+ to lose

Hey all! This past year, I have gone through quite a bit. I've known about the PCOS for 15 years and I've always been a little overweight. After I had my kids, I got up to 250 lbs. However, this past year I was diagnosed as insulin resistant after I gained 50 lbs in 4 months. I got to 300 lbs in January.

Since then I've lost 20 lbs. Well, I got between 280 and 285. I'm on so many different meds and am trying to figure out a diet that is family friendly (for my husband and kids, ages 8 and 9). It's hard to get motivated to exercise and I have no willpower to not cheat on the diet.

It's not that my husband doesn't support me, it's that he's all I have. I need help keeping on track and keeping myself in check and held accountable. I've tried this app before and it was hit or miss if I logged. This was when I lost the first 10 lbs or so. I know it works, I just need help.

If you've read this far, thanks. Lol. I tend to ramble and share way too much. Add me, be friends, and we can keep each other motivated! (Well, attempt to).



  • Casieopea
    Casieopea Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Shannon
    just saying that I would love to connect. It seems like you might be in a different timezone as me - your post read that it was posted on my "tomorrow" :) I live in CA. I have about 100 "hanger-onner" pounds that I would like to rid myself of.... While I have never been officially diagnosed with PCOS, I will say that as a teenager and into young adulthood I had the horrific acne that accompanies it typically. not sure how to work the add on here..but I will eventually figure this all out! I have been on my current eating plan (in earnest) since about Memorial Day weekend (end of May) I have lost apprx 15 pounds.... and it's enough to motivate me for a little bit...
