2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • whatever_46
    whatever_46 Posts: 18 Member
    I would really appreciate a mentor! I have very specific goals concerning my weight and where I want to be. While I have never necessarily had a problem losing weight because I have a high metabolism, but I am soon to be a first time mom and would like to get my body back to normal after having my son. I mainly want to focus on nutrition and rebuilding the muscle I lost due to stomach stretching and limitations. (I could only lift up to 20 lbs entire pregnancy)
  • amayla0407
    amayla0407 Posts: 218 Member
    edited July 2016
    I am looking for a mentor. Here is a little about me:

    I am 34 years old, single mom, started my journey at 281lbs and I am currently 260lbs. I started off slowly, so that I made lifestyle changes instead of quick dieting. I started by cutting ALL caffeine (coffee, soda, etc) and sugary snacks and drinks. Then, I cut all fried foods. I am now on to the next phase, which is eating 1500 calories or less per day. And, starting today, I am incorporating exercise into my daily routine. I am starting off with resistance bands for 30-40 minutes once per day, and 15 minutes of resistance bands after dinner. I am also going to start water exercises because I am in Florida and it's 90+ degrees and trying to run outside may kill me.

    I have Graves Disease (thyroid issues) which are currently at normal levels (yay) and I have insulin resistance (which is why I need to get moving). I plan to reverse the insulin issue without meds, using exercise and lifestyle changes.

    I am not entirely sure what I am doing, but I am trying to follow what I can. I am dedicated to losing 95 more pounds and it's okay if it takes me 2 years. I want it to stay off. I could definitely use someone to show me some tricks and give me tips for success.
  • kosmith7676
    kosmith7676 Posts: 8 Member
    edited July 2016
    Looking for a mentor please. Preferably a guy but not nessesary.Day 1 was yesterday and I am geared up to do this. This forum looks great although I'm not entirely sure how to add ect. Really excited to jump in a help/other as I progress and learn.


  • DaliLana
    DaliLana Posts: 3 Member
    Semi Noob looking for a mentor :smiley:
    I'm new to MFP however I've used calorie trackers before. I really like MFP though because I can also monitor my macros. I'm a college senior at 5' 3", 145 lbs and hope to get into the airforce and dental school next year!
    Fitness wise I actually managed to lose over 10 lbs in a month two years ago, but gained it all back and more. My main goal isn't necessarily aimed at the scale though, I just want to be fit again and I feel like the numbers on the scale will follow! I'm a big fan of HIIT workouts and lifting weights. I hate running, but another main goal of mine is building up my sucky endurance :lol: so I'm trying to make running more fun. Started getting back into the game this month and now I'm working out 5 or 6 days a week alternating between HIIT and lifting and then yoga/pilates Sundays :blush:
    The thing I'm currently struggling with is just meal prep, I feel like I might be eating a lot more than I should even though I'm under my calorie goal so in trying to find a way to prep meals in a college setting!
  • mikaskillz28
    mikaskillz28 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm kinda new here and I'm seriously looking for a mentor. I signed on this app in 2014 when I was 145lbs and I never did anything with it. Today I'm 160lbs and a pre-diabetic clearly I haven't been making the best choices in life. I'm 32 and just want to live a healthier lifestyle I do have bad eating habits, I snack a lot. I'm inconsistent and need tough love to get me better in life. My goal is to 20lbs in less than 3 months :# . I workout but I haven't in a month because I never seem to develop good eating habits so the workout were pointless I was building muscles but not loosing anything :( . Please help me, I just don't want to have full diabetes at the age I am. I still have a lot of living to do. Thank you and stay blessed.
  • meghanchevy28
    meghanchevy28 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello there everyone! I would be happy to be a mentor to a few noobs! A bit about myself:

    I have been an athlete my whole life, just finished up my senior year of division 2 collegiate volleyball last fall :) since then I got very serious with my diet and training. I will be attending dental school in the fall but will manage my time so I can still workout. I am 5'2 and currently in a cutting cycle so my calories are restricted which sucks but is necessary.

    I follow a macro counting style of dieting because this way if I am really craving something I can eat it and then plan the rest of my day around it. It keeps me sane! I also lift weights 5-6 days a week and do cardio 4-5 days a week depending on my schedule :)

    I've been on here for quite some time so I would love to take a few people under my wing (:
  • Jenn12410
    Jenn12410 Posts: 5 Member
    100lbs To Lose!!!
    I am wondering if anyone would like to help me lose the weight...I'm hoping that someone would like the challenge of having to mentor ME...a person who has always been obese...BUT as of tonight I made the decision to make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE! I am determined to lose the weight. I've made little changes here & there for my starting point :). I do have a 1 year old son... someone who will push me, motivate me, but also understand that I can't get on a treadmill & run 10 miles...although, I WILL get there! Someone who is honest.

    *fingers crossed*
  • SofiiaGrey
    SofiiaGrey Posts: 16 Member
    Hello :) I am new to MFP. I've tried to lose weight several times before but just go back to being unhealthy. This time i know i am ready to do this. I do know i need someone to guide me through things. I have about 100lbs to lose. It's been 2 weeks already and i have been eating healthier. I do have a 3 month old daughter so for exercise i usually go out and walk. I would love to have a mentor that won't judge me. I am a stay at home mom so i have all the time in the world to be healthy. I just need that someone to encourage me even more.

    Again, i am very new to all of this. I never payed attention to calories, etc. I know i'm ready to start losing weight :)
  • pamfluff
    pamfluff Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm kinda new to MFP. I did install it on an old phone a couple of years ago but didn't quite get into it and never got round to installing on my new phone...until now!
    Ideally I'd like to lose about 70lbs but thinking of doing it in steps so going to strive for 10% loss to start.
    I've started making small changes recently such as making drinking enough water each day a habit and questioning my motives when faced with junk food! Haha
    I recently tried Crossfit for about 5 weeks as an alternative to grinding away in the gym and loved it but I work reduced hours during school holidays to look after my two youngest kids. Been trying to get active with the kids, going to the park and shooting hoops but the Scottish summer has not made it easy!

    I'd love a mentor to keep me motivated and maybe give some tips as my friends are a bad influence and make excuses not to join me to exercise...a lot! Lol

    Definitely looking forward to a fitter, healthier me
  • TinaGA2015
    TinaGA2015 Posts: 83 Member
    How do you sign up to be a noob? I definitely need a mentor !
  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,241 MFP Staff
    edited July 2016
    The list has been updated! Thanks to everyone who has volunteered so far. Reminder to people who are looking for a mentor to check the original post and proactively reach out to people you would like to mentor you.
  • ginnymonson
    ginnymonson Posts: 8 Member
    First I am looking for someone to tell me how to use this app. I don't know how to add anyone, message or anything else.

    I am looking for a mentor who has had gastric bypass surgery, someone who understands our nutritional needs and limits.

    I am 44 years old and 11 years post op. I started taking my full vitamin regimen a couple months ago and am trying to get my eating back on track. I am down to my lowest weight in almost 30 years! My doctors and I agree that I need to lose another 40 pounds.

    Thanks for reading!
  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    edited August 2016
    Jenn12410 wrote: »
    100lbs To Lose!!!
    I am wondering if anyone would like to help me lose the weight...I'm hoping that someone would like the challenge of having to mentor ME...a person who has always been obese...BUT as of tonight I made the decision to make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE! I am determined to lose the weight. I've made little changes here & there for my starting point :). I do have a 1 year old son... someone who will push me, motivate me, but also understand that I can't get on a treadmill & run 10 miles...although, I WILL get there! Someone who is honest.

    *fingers crossed*

    When I first started realizing I needed to lose the weight I had just miscarried triplets at 5 months along . I've got severe PCOS which makes conceiving almost impossible. This was three months ago. I was a size 20/22 and 240 pounds. As of today I am just barely squeezing into a size 10 and weighed in yesterday at 194 pounds. My ultimate dream goal is between 130-140 and a size 6/8. I lost all of the weight by following my doctor approved eating plan of dropping to 1000-1200 calories a day and not eating back my exercise calories. I went from being a total couch potato who couldn't run 10 feet if her butt was on fire to being able to cover 2 miles in 28 minutes. I'm slowly increasing speed and stamina. I am an almost 33 year old adopted mother of four beautiful children. And I don't have access to gym equipment most of the time because I am always on the road with my husband who is an otr truck driver. So...it's been me and my running shoes and ab work. I also have no access to a "regular "kitchen on the road so I use a portable generator for power in the truck, a toaster oven,a skillet and a Coleman 40 qt cooler in my truck. Soon we will be staying home and hubby will do a local run...until then it's like this. But when we get home I will have access to workout equipment so my work outs will get way longer and more intense.

    Now...I don't just focus on the number on the scale but on Non Scale Victories as well . Have your clothes been fitting better? Do you have more energy? Can you walk or run further? Are you liking what you see in the mirror? If so...you've had a non scale victory. And...I can't help if you don't log every day...food and exercise. ..and have it public..

    I'm no expert but if I can help someone succeed I will. If I can do it there are no excuses.
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    i would LOVE to me the mentor. I haven't lost any weight, but I am learning about myself and what I need to do to be healthy. In my mind, it's a mental thing. If I can't accept myself for me and let go of the impossible images of healthy in my head, then I have no hope of losing weight. I will let you know what i have learned about myself and what I am working on. I will be honest, and maybe too much.
  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    If after reading this you would like an honest but pushy and accepts no excuses mentor who doesn't pretend to be an expert or perfect please send me a message or reply here.

    When I first started realizing I needed to lose the weight I had just miscarried triplets at 5 months along . I've got severe PCOS which makes conceiving almost impossible. This was three months ago. I was a size 20/22 and 240 pounds. As of today I am just barely squeezing into a size 10 and weighted in yesterday at 194 pounds. My ultimate dream goal is between 130-140 and a size 6/8. I lost all of the weight by following my doctor approved eating plan of dropping to 1000-1200 calories a day and not eating back my exercise calories. I went from being a total couch potato who couldn't run 10 feet if her butt wad on fire to being able to cover 2 miles in 28 minutes. I'm slowly increasing speed and stamina. I am an almost 33 year old adopted mother of four beautiful children. And I don't have access to gym equipment most of the time because I am always on the road with my husband who is an otr truck driver. So...it's been me and my running shoes and ab work. I also have no access to a "regular "kitchen on the road so I use a portable generator for power in the truck, a toaster oven,a skillet and a Coleman 4 qt cooler in my truck. Soon we will be staying home and hubby will do a local run...until then it's like this. But when we get home I will have access to workout equipment so my work outs will get way longer and more intense.

    Now...I don't just focus on the number on the scale but on Non Scale Victories as well . Have your clothes been fitting better? Do you have more energy? Can you walk or run further? Are you liking what you see in the mirror? If so...you've had a non scale victory. And...I can't help if you don't log every day...food and exercise. ..and have it public..

    I'm no expert but if I can help someone succeed I will. If I can do it there are no excuses.
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    Darazz wrote: »
    If there are any mentors still accepting a newbie to help out, I would love a little guidance using the site to make sure I get the most out of my experience here! I'm a mum to two children, most recently to my daughter who is 6 months old.

    Bit of background: before I had either child I was around 185 and wanted to lose some weight. After my first I lost some of the baby weight but got stuck at 200. After my second baby I was at 226, but through walking everyday, watching what I ate and BF I not only lost her baby weight, but the additional weight from pregnancy #1 and then some.

    Currently I'm at around 176lbs, and I'd like to reach 160lbs. I'm on a very restricted diet at the moment because of daughter's stomach troubles, so I have to avoid all dairy, soy, beef, and legumes. We will be weaning soon and I'm a bit concerned about keeping to good eating habits and not getting sucked into old ways of eating junk again once I am able to.

    So that's me... any takers?

    I'm happy to help you. I don't have children or the restrictions, but I am encouraging and will tell you what I am learning about myself.

  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    Hello! I'm brand spanking new here and I like the idea of someone helping in this battle of the bulge!

    Let me tell you about myself:

    First off I have tried every diet under the sun, and they never worked because I've given up after a month when nothing happened. I thought that it was impossible to lose weight because of my PCOS. But, eleven months ago I had a stroke, but since then I've stopped smoking, stopped drinking energy drinks and unfortunately had to stop working as well. I was diagnosed with Sjogren's Syndrome as well.

    I'm looking for someone who is understanding because I have PTSD, and anxiety, so I'll eat to stop a panic attack because that's what I do lol. If I could get some help in controlling my appetite so I can live a longer life, I'll listen to that person whole heartedly!

    Check out my post and see if we fit....
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    303lissy wrote: »
    Also looking for a mentor!

    About Me: I'm 25 living in New York. Lots of obesity related illnesses in my family, and I'd like to nip that in the bud earlier in life rather than later. I'm 5'0, currently 211.4 lbs. I got the wide Italian "birthing" hips, so I know I'll never be a size 2, but that's ok! I'm more interested in getting in shape and having good health than size. I joined a gym in November but didn't really change my eating habits. In fact, if anything, I thought I could eat more (all crap). Then I got injured, so I have to take it a bit slower, so I'm focusing on my eating habits right now and slowly getting back to working out.

    Interests: I want to love running. I know plenty of people who do. I currently hate it, but I want to love it. (I also can't run for the next 3-5 weeks...). I'm also interested in using kettlebells. I have light ones and enjoyed Jillian Michael's kettlebell exercises (also can't currently use kettlebells :neutral:). For the time being, I can sort of use the elliptical, but unfortunately not for too long.

    I'm also interested in changing my relationship with food. I tend to overeat because FOOD IS GOOD so portion control and asking myself "am I still hungry?" is big for me. I also tend to snack... no matter what or when I eat, I'm STARVING between 9 and 10 and night, and there's nothing better than crunchy, salty crap. I've taken to not even buying snacks because I don't trust myself yet.

    - Get down to 140-150 (lose 60-70 lbs)
    - Run a 5k without wanting to die

    My ideal mentor is... someone who can get a little pushy and nagging. Someone who isn't afraid to tell me to get off my *kitten* or to stop eating crap. But someone who's supportive and will recognize small accomplishments too. Also, if you've dealt with a not so serious but still detrimental sports injury, that would be a plus.

    I'm also looking to connect with fellow noobs so we can support each other!

    I am older than you, but I am also in the "am i still hungry" boat. I am more than happy to tell you what I am doing. and even though i am nice about it, i would tell you if i think what you are doing isn't the best idea.
  • dmgiv33
    dmgiv33 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MyFitnessPal and would really benefit from having a mentor.
    I'm a 20 year old female and slightly overweight. My goal is to lose weight and then tone up.
    I am a very committed person however I'm struggling to find the best way for me to be able to lose the weight which is why I think I'd benefit from having a mentor.
    Thanks, Dee ☺️
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    epw2594 wrote: »
    I would love to have a mentor! I'm 5"8, 210 Ibs and looking to make a SERIOUS change. I'm fed up of being depressed over my weight- and want to make 2016 the year I lose it for good!

    i would LOVE to be your mentor. I am shorter than you, but I am very encouraging and will tell you my struggles if they help you.
This discussion has been closed.