New Group of 20-somethings?

No age discrimination here I promise! I'm just looking to get a group of people together that are close in age - going through the same things I'm going through with weight loss struggles. I'm not a mom, I live by myself, I still enjoy going out for a few drinks, and I am clueless when it comes to cooking. I'm looking to share motivation, maybe do weekly weigh-ins, and just hold ourselves accountable. Also, any tips on easy recipes (EASY!!) and navigating the weekends are a huge plus for me. I'm quite new to this site so I'm not even sure how groups work but I figured I'd like to get as much support as possible early on rather than wait and "fall off the wagon" so to speak.


  • CarolineT82
    I'm new too so don't know how groups work but hey ho!

    I still fall into the 20-something's category (for another year at least!), I'm married, but not a mummy and enjoy cooking (easy recipes are my favourite too as I don't have a lot of time!). I weigh in on a friday :smile:

    I fell off the wagon last weekend so weekend advice would be great for me too :drinker:
  • pjrisher
    pjrisher Posts: 152
    Hey! I'm 20 and am on my last 10(ish). I would love to join a group :)
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I'm 25. Almost to my goal weight, mainly concerned about my bellyfat and chest
  • casirdms
    casirdms Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 24 .. but married and a mommy of 2 so I guess this counts me out lol
  • Bruzzeseangel
    I'm happy to see someone on their last 10 and also someone who is new that's interested! I feel like people who've already made it mostly to their goal can help us newbies stay on track with their advice - and maybe ou newbie stories will rermind you what it's like to just be starting out :)
  • Bruzzeseangel
    Oh I'm not saying because you're a mom you need to be counted out! I was just giving a "this is where I'm at in life" preview. You are MORE than welcome to join us :)
  • ElimyW
    ElimyW Posts: 16 Member
    Hey yeah, I'm totally up for this too :)

    I'm 26, live with my partner & love to cook (though quick and easy is a definite plus!) - he's a veggie so tend not to eat a huge amount of meat. I also weigh in on Friday

    Also kind of fell off the wagon at the weekend (I blame the hen do I went on...& my love of beer), I know I have the motivation not to eat/drink all my calories in these situations, but just sometimes I get carried away with the moment!! :drinker:

    Been on this for a month now and it's really helping, but would be good to trade advice/support :smile:
  • scshackleford
    I'd also love to participate in this! I'm in my mid 20's. Not married and no baby! I'm having a lot of trouble with weekends. We go out A LOT and I want to stay on track but I also don't want to miss out on the fun!

    I'm new as well, but I CAN help with the easy recipes.
  • Bruzzeseangel
    From what I've found there is no way to actually create a group page or anything - you can only keep the group updated through threads. Looks like we'll have to just stay in contact through this thread or create new ones weekly? As long as we keep "20-somethings" in the thread title it should be easy to search as I haven't found anything else with that title. Friday weigh-ins seem to work for everyone. Plus, if we DO slip-up over the weekend (although we shouldn't mean we CAN slip-up on the weekend) we still have a few days to correct it!
  • Loredo88
    Loredo88 Posts: 9
    I'm new here too & just getting started. I'm 22, just recently married but no kids. I have tried dieting before and even just eating healthy but find it very difficult without a support group of similar people. I would love to join your group.
  • CarolineT82
    Plus, if we DO slip-up over the weekend (although we shouldn't mean we CAN slip-up on the weekend) we still have a few days to correct it!

    That's why I weigh in on a Friday :smile: Although Bridesmaids at the cinema and a pub dinner tonight might cause a slight hic-up too!
  • Bruzzeseangel
    Bridesmaids is an AWESOME movie!!!! You will laugh the entire way through! As far as the pub - do they have a website you can check their menu first? I've found by looking up what they have beforehand (prefeably when I'm not hungry) and picking out the healthiest food I can usually stick to it. Especially, if i DON'T open the menu when I do get to the restaurant!
  • sweetsapphire85
    I'm 25, single, no kids and just starting this journey as well. I still have to navigate the drinking scene and dating scene with this diet thing in the upcoming months. Add me if you'd like! I always need more 20 something friends (all my in person ones are married with a few babies and fall off the face of the earth!)
  • CarolineT82
    Yup have checked out the website - think it'll be some sort of salad unless I can squeeze in some wii fit time before I go!!
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    i'll be 20 in two weeks! In college and at the begining of my weight loss :) only been on MFP for a little over 2 weeks but loving it! feel free to add me!
  • jespop713
    jespop713 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am turning 29 in a week and one day! So I only have a year left to be in this group! EEEEEKKKKK!!!! I have a live in BF, we are on rocky grounds right now and I am hoping that we can find the smooth sand soon. I have been on here for a while and I do great during the week and have a hard time on the weekends. Like most 20 year olds. I enjoy a beverage or two on the weekend and we do eat out or grab an ice cream. I am having a hard time seeing the scale move but I am being patient. Feel free to add me!
  • rachjones2011
    rachjones2011 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 20. Full time student and part time worker. I would love to join this group! Everyone feel free to add me!
  • Frumpy2Fit
    Frumpy2Fit Posts: 137 Member
    I'm 25 and I would really like to be a part of this group! I still have 20 lbs. to lose (I'm at 150 and I want to be at 130) and I could really use some friends for support/motivation. I also do my official "weigh-in" on Fridays so I that should be no problem. Should we come up with a name for our group so we can use that in the thread title? The idea was suggested that when you get a group together you can establish weekly weigh-ins, weekly challenges, and everyone can post their goals for the week. Each week, the "biggest loser" get to pick the exercise challenge for the following week. Does this sound okay? I'm just making suggestions so feel free to respond/do whatever!
  • Bruzzeseangel
    I'm so excited to see so many people wanting to be a part of this! Keep the friend requests coming! Someone mentioned a group name... I was thinking we could just stick with 20-somethings? Simple, easy, and describes us all. What do you girls think?
  • Frumpy2Fit
    Frumpy2Fit Posts: 137 Member
    I think "20-Somethings" sounds perfect. Should we start a thread called "20-something Week one! [Open group]" and everyone can post something like this:
    My current weight (as of __/__) is _________.
    My goal for this week is to lose ____ lbs.
    This week I am going to focus on: ____________________________________________________

    and then on Friday we can post:
    My current weight, as of 7/8, is ____________
    I met/did not meet my goal.
    I believe I met my goal because:
    I believe I did not meet my goal because: (this is about learning from our mistakes)
    My goal for next week is to lose _____ lbs.
    This week I am going to focus on: _________________________________.

    We can then see who has lost the greatest percentage of weight and they can be our "winner" for the week which lets them pick the "challenge" for the following week. This can be something like "workout one additional day" or "walk at least 2 miles". Something simple and accessible to all.

    What do you think?