New starter

I've just finished my 3rd day of clean eating. Finding it easier than I thought to cut out the junk.
Been doing some strength training and light cardio to hopefully help get in shape.
If anyone has any tips on diet or training please feel free to share


  • leopardeyes72
    leopardeyes72 Posts: 39 Member
    I started the 1200 calorie diet on fitness pal and it took about 2 weeks for my body to start noticing no more junk and next thing I know I just started losing weight is measured my foods and wow what a difference it makes it have learned a lot on here.
  • bladebiker
    bladebiker Posts: 133 Member
    Personally I find that small amounts of protein during the day shreds my weight, for example boiled eggs or tuna, I'm 25lbs down 40 to go now and it continues to drop off. Feel free to add kforster.