Binge eating

02172009 Posts: 31 Member
anyone else lose weight and was able to stop binge eating? I could use support


  • ktca247
    ktca247 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you :(
  • marilynlawlor
    marilynlawlor Posts: 9 Member
    I'm just starting here, trying to lose weight. I found support in a book called "Food the good girls drug" .. Have you heard of it? Not like the usual self help books, it's very real but also funny.
  • 02172009
    02172009 Posts: 31 Member
    I have not heard of that I definitely will get that back thank you for your help
  • ashleegolding
    ashleegolding Posts: 15 Member
    I was a terrible binge eater... But earlier this year I decided to make a change and the main thing is to change your mindset! You need to make yourself believe you can do it. After eating better and stopping a binge for about 2 weeks it was enough to shrink my stomach so that foods were filling me up a lot quicker and I was feeling better and seeing the results I was obtaining. This was enough to keep me from bingeing on food anymore. However I had an ankle surgery a month ago and although I've only put on 2kg, I'm back to my old bad habits. So I'm sort of back to square one in that respect as I need to get back into it and get my mind back to that state. If you like, any of you can feel welcome to add me as a friend... would love more support as it helps me so much having supportive friends on here and I'd love to be there to support you through your journey as well!
  • 02172009
    02172009 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks so much for your story lets do this
  • dominosmiles
    dominosmiles Posts: 9 Member
    Thats my struggle right now. I will go a day doing awesome and get my exercise in and feel great. But when ANY sweets are around (my house or my friends house) I will sneak and binge alone. Im working really hard to be honest on the food diary. Support is the best motivation for me.
  • 02172009
    02172009 Posts: 31 Member
    I hear you I'm the same way for me it's cake and cheetos those are my downfall
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    Chronic binge eater here. I've stopped buying food to binge on and keep lots of fresh fruit and veg available for snacking, it's a lot harder to binge on Apple slices! The treats I do buy are ones it's hard to binge on, like dark chocolate covered coffee beans, you simply can't eat more than a few at a time. Whenever I get tempted I look at how many calories it's going to cost me and decide that it's not worth it!
  • maxbax2
    maxbax2 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't think you are on your own with this one. My will power may last a couple of days but if I'm bored I can eat my way through the cupboard. Then feel guilty. I'm hoping with this online help I may succeed this time. Good luck and keep in touch.
  • 02172009
    02172009 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for your reply I'm totally the same way
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    I went through a binge period a few months back. I gained 5 lbs from it... I have lost 3 of those 5 lbs so far. Its tough. But you need to allow yourself days of maintenance every now and then, and make room for small treats every day, or you will drive yourself crazy.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    02172009 wrote: »
    Thanks so much for your story lets do this

    Is this a current photo? You look fabulous! How much are trying to lose?

  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Well, I have lost weight (118 pounds) and kept it off for a few years. I still get binge urges although not as often. If I do, I adjust my calories the rest of the week to even it out. It has gotten a lot better over time.
  • NewMrsCarlson
    NewMrsCarlson Posts: 24 Member
    I am the same way! I am on day 4, and my mindset has been pretty firm thus far, I am fighting the cravings today, and just want to sit down with some chips or something and eat! You are definitely not alone. We can do this! Feel free to add me as well, anyone, as the support does help!
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    When I overeat, it seems to be more hormonal eating. Once every 6 weeks or so, there is a day that I just have no control. It frightened me the first time it happened because it began months after my weight loss journey. I feared I was slipping back into old bad habits. Now, I realize that it's more hormonal, I allow myself the indulgence. Then, I'm back to my normal eating and I keep going. Just happened last week. I ate almost 4,000 calories. It did no harm. I was back to eating my veggies, nuts etc. Sometimes, I worry that this may be the time that I can't bounce back. Hasn't happened yet. (fingers crossed) :D

    At first, I would try to compensate by exercising more. But I realized that I wasn't going to burn off that many calories. So, I just make sure that I am tight on my logging and after 7 days, my average calories are at maintenance or a slight deficit.
  • TarahByte
    TarahByte Posts: 125 Member
    Seems like once I break the seal and eat one piece of candy, it's all over. So it's easier to just not have any at all. Oh and diet coke helps.
  • honeypunk3
    honeypunk3 Posts: 4 Member
    I try to avoid having unhealthy foods in the house so if I do binge, I'm forced to binge on healthy things only. I can't do any real damage that way. The worst that can happen is putting a wee bit of weight back on. I chomped my way through a whole watermelon last weekend :)
  • Catnipp_
    Catnipp_ Posts: 27 Member
    edited July 2016
    I have found that if I have more variety in my diet and if I don't limit myself (besides carb heavy foods, I'm diabetic so I have to stay away from a lot of breads, pastas and sweets) I do a lot better. I figured out a lot of my binge eating was not only emotional, but because I would get bored of eating the same foods all the time. So when I cook I try to get adventurous, I try to make something healthy but also interesting. Another thing to try would be to make yourself take a sip of water after every two bites, and be conscious of what you're putting into you mouth. It's easy to eat fast, and you forget when to stop resulting in a binge. It's happened to me a lot before. But for me it really helps if I slow down, it also gives you time to savor and enjoy the flavors of what you're eating.

    Good luck, you can do this!
  • 02172009
    02172009 Posts: 31 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    02172009 wrote: »
    Thanks so much for your story lets do this

    Is this a current photo? You look fabulous! How much are trying to lose?

    Thanks so much. It is my current photo, but I have 60 pounds too lose :neutral:
  • 02172009
    02172009 Posts: 31 Member
    TarahByte wrote: »
    Seems like once I break the seal and eat one piece of candy, it's all over. So it's easier to just not have any at all. Oh and diet coke helps.

    this is me totally!