Cheap foods for diet/calories needed

Hello everyone
I'm really trying to find a diet that won't cost too much when food shopping. I love fruits, seafood, and vegetables.


  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    Then eat fruits, seafood and vegetables. It's the amount of food you eat, not what you eat. If you stay at the calories you should to lose weight, you will, no matter what you eat.
  • NikkiMichelleS
    NikkiMichelleS Posts: 897 Member
    I agree.
    Eat what you love. Just keep the portions within your allotted calories and you should be good.
    And measure/weigh and log everything, too!
    Even eating healthy, you can gain weight; it depends more on how much you want, not so much on what you eat. So eat your fruits, seafood and vegetables and enjoy.
    Good luck.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    I agree with the other posters. You can eat whatever you want as long as you it fits into your calorie goal for the day. My only criticism of you is please don't call this a diet. Diets suck and they fail you're constantly miserable on them. You have to look at this as a lifestyle change. It's a matter of educating yourself as far as the food you're eating in the ramifications of eating that food.

    I eat whatever I want. I still have pizza Wendy's hamburgers and beers on the beach. All I do is I incorporate them into my daily calorie goals. Using this method since January 1st I've lost 70 pounds and I haven't been miserable about it one
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Well the obvious ways to save money are buy fruits and vegetables in season. Stock up on frozen vegetables when on sale. Buy the bulk packs of frozen fish and lean meats and poultry. Dried beans are super cheap. Of course portion control is a great money saver.