Releatively new - anyone doing Rosemay Conley low fat diet?

Hi there,

Have been properly doing MFP for a week now and loving it! Lost 5lbs last week so very pleased! Just wondered if anyone else out there is following a low fat diet like Rosemary Conley? I have lost weight on this before and it suits me well as I can adapt it for the rest of the family.

Anyone following it want to buddy up? Feel free to add me so we can support each other!

Helen xx

ps just noticed spelling mistake in title - sorry!


  • mousumi30
    mousumi30 Posts: 52
    you can add me if you want
  • rosebslim
    rosebslim Posts: 27

    I have followed RC although have been a Weight Watcher most of my dieting life lol.

    I would like to be a buddy if you would care to and have sent you a private message.

  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    I love Rosemary Conley. Working out to one of her videos at the moment :smile:
    I did the hip and thigh diet many many years ago and try to stick to a low fat diet now (due to having had my gall bladder removed when I was in my 20's).
    I would love to buddy up with you, so feel free to add me :smile:
  • chelley11
    chelley11 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi id love to join on your bid to lose weight on the rosemary conley diet, i have just started today, i need to lose 14lbs and determined to lose it over the summer months.

    im 5'7 and weigh 147lbs after comfort eating at wekends
    im now 100% committed to losing that stone once and for all and am determined to get to 132lbs.

    I think the rosmary conley diet is good, iv lost weight on it before using the original hip and thigh diet and i like it as it doesn't involve calorie counting and that suits me best.

    so you can add me to your list of supporters.
