Anyone put on some of the weight they had lost?

Hey all! Just wanted to see if there was anyone else out there who has put on some of the weight they had lost. This has happened to me and could use some "start over" buddies. By the end of last summer I have gone from 325lbs down to 191 lbs ( I am a 6'2" female, former college athlete, so I do have alot of muscle). As of today ( after a bad weekend) I am up to 213!!! This is completely unacceptable for me. I have stuck with my diet and exercise, if anything I do more intense exercises now than i did a year ago. I have added some calories but definitely do not go over my calories for the day. Basically I am stumped as to how i gained the weight but figure since I cant figure it out, i might as well start over like I am just joining the site. I would really like to add some friends who have lost a significant amount of weight but has gained some back. I could use your advice and support. So please add me! Thanks!


  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss, and don't worry, its water weight. You wouldn't gain back that much on just a few days of bad eating. Just watch your intake and drink lots of water and you'll be fine!
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Yeah, I lost 50 pounds in 2009-2010, and gained back ALL of it from last summer to this summer. So not cool. I've been working at getting back on track too!
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    Yep lost 130 put 40 back on
  • SlowlyLosingLolita
    SlowlyLosingLolita Posts: 93 Member
    Yea, I've gained back like 4lbs of what I have lost this last month. (I've lost a total of 80lbs-12lbs since I joined the site)
    Recently though,When I get stressed, I've been eating. I didn't used to before the diet. For some reason though, now that I KNOW I need to eat better;foods on my mind and that makes food my first response.
    I'd love to have a start over buddy ^_^
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    Girl I have lost and gained back probably a thousand pounds in my life time... Just pick yourself up dust yourself off and start all over again!! you can do it!!!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    You are welcome to add me. I just started back up a little over a month ago. Had lost 50, gained 10 back over 15 months (I quit exercising and stopped smoking...I know why I gained mine back).

    I am on day 10 of the jillian michaels 30 day shred, seeing if that can pop me over my plateau that I am on.
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    I started at 230lbs, got down to my lowest weight of 159.8 and then ballooned back up to 173.6 (today). I'm at my highest weight in a year and a half. I would LOVE some new friends =)

    Feel free to add me!
  • ParkersMomma2010
    ParkersMomma2010 Posts: 99 Member
    Ahhh yes this screams me for sure. I had significant weight loss after high school, lost 100lbs, had a baby, now Im back on the weight loss track. I was doing great, went on a week long vacation to the beach/binge eating. Up 8lbs in 1 week!!!! We can do this, I am heading to the gym tonight. Thats my downfall for sure. I sit at a computer desk all day. :( Really bad for the weight loss hehe.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I will be your buddy for this!!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss, and don't worry, its water weight. You wouldn't gain back that much on just a few days of bad eating. Just watch your intake and drink lots of water and you'll be fine!

    Actually the weight gain of 20lbs has happened since November. I had gained 6 lbs in a 2 week period and its slowly been going up. I am sure a few of the pounds may be water weight from this weekend but my weight was up before this weekend. Thanks for the congrats though, i appreciate it.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Yep, I lost 25 pounds two summers ago and gained it all back plus some last summer from basically doing nothing/being lethargic. It's sad how easy it comes back, too. But, on the same token.....getting fit was a lot easier this time around than the last....the body truly does remember.

    I am a yo-yo dieter/exerciser and wish I were different. But, at least I'm doing something and constantly working on it, so if I must yo-yo, at least I can reap the benefits. It's way better than doing nothing...which is what I did last summer (lol, and as you can see, the results were bad, too).