Can You Help Me With My Plan?

I have a goal to lose 1.25 calories a week. I am currently 182 lbs and the goal weight is 140 lbs. I try to do some form of exercise every day, whether big or small. My current calorie limit is 1200. I have been losing 6 lbs a month with this. I have not gone over my limit in ~6 weeks. I am not hungry/ starving and I try to eat balanced meals (4 of them a day). I always worry about the numbers. Despite meeting my goal for the last two months, I just did some number crunching and it appears that I should be consuming even less calories (or exercising them off) than 1200 to lose 1.25 lbs a week, as my BMR is 1645.

If things are working out, should I just leave them as they are? Should I be exercising more (I always do at least 30 mins a day)?

Insight on the process would be very helpful! Personal stories welcome!


  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Don't know why you are worried - your numbers look good and you are losing weight so I think stick with it. It's good once you have been exercising consistently for some time to push yourself a bit every once and a while with a longer or more gruelling workout. Maybe add something more challenging a few times a week so that you don't stagnate.

    You are doing really well so far though! Keep going :bigsmile:
  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    if you are worried, although i see no reason to be. add workouts, dont decrease food to below 1200. try adding more weight training, muscle will boost your metabolism :)
  • Stick with it if it works. Can't believe that 1200 is all you get.. I've read studies that say the body needs at least 1200 calories a day to function. Congrats on the numbers and best of luck..
  • Susie_Bee
    Susie_Bee Posts: 34
    I lost 30 lbs in 3 months doing Ideal Protein. Prior to that, I was counting calories and exercising but it only got me so far and then I plateau'd for over a year.

    I would say that you need to eat mostly protein and vegetables, being careful to limit or even avoid veggies that are high on the glycemic index (squash, carrots, peas, corn, potatoes, sweet potoates, etc.) or even medium (tomatoes - if you count them as a veggie, green beans, etc.). Also limit all fruit and starches (rice, bread, cereal) and even dairy until you hit maintenance. You would probably want to take a multivitamin and a calcium and potassium supplement if you do this.

    Good luck!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I don't entirely understand what you are at right now but you should know that MFP goals are NET goals (meaning if your goal is 1200 cals a day, you should be eating 1200+what you burn exercising).

    1200 is a very low number and unless you are very small (under 5 feet, and well within a healthy weight range) there isn't a reason for you to go lower than this 1200 NET number. If you do need to go lower than 1200 NET calories to lose weight as quickly as you want, you should consider slowing down your overall goal.

    Just so you know, BMR is the number of calories you would burn in a day if you were completely at rest- sleeping or in a coma. If you go to your GOALS page you should be able to find what MFP estimates you burn on an average day (if your BMR is 1645 it's probably 1900-2000 calories or more)

    For personal experience- I started at 182, and since Sept 2010 I RARELY went as low as 1200 net calories (usually between 1300 and 1500 - NET) and lost about 1.5 lbs per week until I hit a healthy BMI when it slowed to about .75 lbs per week. Healthy foods, lowering sodium and increasing activity are much more productive goals in my experience. Weight loss follows.

    Best of luck!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Phew. Thanks guys. For some reason I am spooked that things will change this month. I have my weekly weigh in tomorrow.

    I think I focus too much on numbers. 500 calories is a pound so I should be 625 calories under my BMR a day, etc etc etc. I do need to do some weight training. I have been doing mostly cardio. I just got the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 and 30 Day Shred, maybe I will rip into one of those. I need to pick up some free weights from Walmart or something first...
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Your calorie deficit isn't based on your BMR, it's based on your daily activity calories. If you go to your Home/Goals page, it shows you that 2nd number, which is higher. I know for me, my BMR is about the same as yours but my daily activity # is about 2000.

    BMR is the number of calories your body needs, say if you're in a coma. Just enough to keep you breathing, your heart beating, your brain functioning, digestion funtioning etc. With daily activity, even set as sedentary, they figure you're going to move around at least a little bit to go to the bathroom or even just sitting up rather than laying down, therefore more calories.

    Trust the MFP numbers, these guys know what they're doing. And yes, as long as these are working, I'd keep doing what you're doing. However, if you're hungry a lot, maybe try to eat more protein - tends to stick to the ribs longer.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I don't entirely understand what you are at right now but you should know that MFP goals are NET goals (meaning if your goal is 1200 cals a day, you should be eating 1200+what you burn exercising).

    1200 is a very low number and unless you are very small (under 5 feet, and well within a healthy weight range) there isn't a reason for you to go lower than this 1200 NET number. If you do need to go lower than 1200 NET calories to lose weight as quickly as you want, you should consider slowing down your overall goal.

    Just so you know, BMR is the number of calories you would burn in a day if you were completely at rest- sleeping or in a coma. If you go to your GOALS page you should be able to find what MFP estimates you burn on an average day (if your BMR is 1645 it's probably 1900-2000 calories or more)

    For personal experience- I started at 182, and since Sept 2010 I RARELY went as low as 1200 net calories (usually between 1300 and 1500 - NET) and lost about 1.5 lbs per week until I hit a healthy BMI when it slowed to about .75 lbs per week. Healthy foods, lowering sodium and increasing activity are much more productive goals in my experience. Weight loss follows.

    Best of luck!

    You just saved my number loving mind right there! I was totally forgeting about the regular movement calories burned!! That's probably why everything has been working out okay. I do need to lower my sodium too...

    Thanks so much guys! I knew I would calm down when someone screwed my noggin on straight!
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    I am about the same weight as you with about the same goal.
    Personally I would leave it as is if it is working. Once it stops working, then I would switch it up. And probably by eating a few more calories, not less. I try not to go under 1200.. in fact I was kind of stuck so I was eating more like 1400-1500 a few days and that seemed to help me start losing again.