Shedding pounds

Guys! I want to ask everyone, if anyone knows any good workouts or free programs that definitely do justice? I want to shed 40piunds - but first 20 pounds. Any advice? I just started my fitness journey again yesterday.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,446 Member
    Enter your details into MFP.
    Select Sedentary as your activity level.
    Select the number of pounds you'd like to lose each week (1 lb/week).
    MFP will give you the maximum number of calories to consume.
    Aim to consume that number of calories.

    Weigh and log everything you eat ... log as accurately as possible.
  • earthakin66
    earthakin66 Posts: 49 Member
    Sounds pretty boring but you could start out with walking, listening to podcasts or whatever, for an hour a day. It is easy and always starts me on the fitness track.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Opinion: Staying within your calories and eating right is 90% of the battle.
    If you don't have a food scale, go get one at walmart or target if you really want to lose weight.
    "You can't outrun a bad diet".
  • dancin_homie
    dancin_homie Posts: 20 Member
    As others have stated, eating well is very important to weightloss and becoming healthier. That being said, I have found that exercise not only has helped my physical health, but mental as well! I use a website called FitnessBlender ( They have a wide range of free videos that are designed for those who are beginners and have more challenging ones as you advance. They do have programs you can pay for that schedule your workouts for X amount of time if you wish (I find it nice because then I don't have to plan anything, haha!) I get bored very easily so the variety is nice. Best of luck on your journey!