I'm Ready!

Hi all!

I'm new to fitness pal and am super excited about it all! I just started today and working at figuring it all out. I have been overweight my entire life, lost weight, gained it back, lost it again, gained it all back- AGAIN!. Tired of the cycle and ready for my lifestyle change!

I am looking for any buddies to motivate me! Also, the big goal is my wededing day, November 19th! A little over four months away. I am looking to loose about 30 lbs by counting calories and starting the Couch to 5K Program. Anyone had success on couch to 5k program?

Any advice is appreciated!



  • spim
    spim Posts: 31 Member
    i just joined the site myself and was thinking about starting the couch to 5k program myself, feel free to drop me a friend request and we can do it together!