Hello everyone

Hi everyone. My name is Kimberly, and I'm a graduate student working on my PhD. I have noticed that I've put on quite a few pounds as my work progressed, and I guess I decided it was time to do something about it. My best friend had twins two years ago, and she looks great. She recommended counting calories, exercise, and some online support, so here I am. I've never had good luck with sticking to the exercise/diet regime, but hopefully this time I'll be successful. :smile:


  • KimmiLynn4
    Hi everyone. My name is Kimberly, and I'm a graduate student working on my PhD. I have noticed that I've put on quite a few pounds as my work progressed, and I guess I decided it was time to do something about it. My best friend had twins two years ago, and she looks great. She recommended counting calories, exercise, and some online support, so here I am. I've never had good luck with sticking to the exercise/diet regime, but hopefully this time I'll be successful. :smile:
  • anglroxy9
    Hey and welcome to the site. . .I'm am an undergrad student so I'm kind of in the same boat with you with school and such. Hope this site works well for you!