Good Evening.

Just a quick introduction

Name - Kris Avery
Age - 22
Location - Gloucester, England
Occupation - Engineer.

Pretty much at the gym 4 times a week after work and 10am on a sunday morning.
Have spent the last few months bulking up, now aiming to drop calorie intake and start intensive muscle stamina training/Cardio vascular.

Weight currently - 232lbs

6 weeks weight Aim - 220lbs



  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Kris!
  • plunder_bunny
    Welcome, you seem pretty structured in what you have to do. I on the other hand have no clue haha! Good luck on your journey anyway!
  • gloskris
    gloskris Posts: 4
    Cheers :)
  • san100
    san100 Posts: 7 Member
    hiya chris sounding all good to me keep it up i also train 4x aweek with kickboxing :) ps im new on here just looking to loss a stone so if anyone would like to add me has friend feel free.:smile:
  • san100
    san100 Posts: 7 Member
    hi everyone :) im just coming upto my first week on here and have found to very helpful . iv not much to lose just a stone really so i can be lighter on my feet for kickboxing. My problem is iv a sweet tooth and love chocolate and a biscuit or two being honest so i exercise! alot cant beat the cravings lol . iv not watched what i eat for years so always stayed around the same weight so it will be great the see the weight or inchs go down an what my diet really consists of. i wish everone success with their goals and if anyone needs a new buddie on here just let me now, sandra :happy:
  • san100
    san100 Posts: 7 Member
    hi everyone :) im just coming upto my first week on here and have found to very helpful . iv not much to lose just a stone really so i can be lighter on my feet for kickboxing. My problem is iv a sweet tooth and love chocolate and a biscuit or two being honest so i exercise! alot cant beat the cravings lol . iv not watched what i eat for years so always stayed around the same weight so it will be great the see the weight or inchs go down an what my diet really consists of. i wish everone success with their goals and if anyone needs a new buddie on here just let me now, sandra :happy:
    ps i thought this was going to b posted in the intro section sorry chris :( not sure how to do that lol
  • mrsbumblebee20
    mrsbumblebee20 Posts: 13 Member