Need some help!

im starting my weight loss journey and I would like some info. I weigh 145lbs I'm 5'2 (I know I'm heavy) I want to get down to 120-125 if possible. I do Jillian michaels six week six pack 5 days a week and I go walk about 30 more min a day when I have time ( I have a 4 year old). I have also been doin. Some arm workouts with weight after I do the Jillian video. I am wondering. If this will help me get down to the weight I want. I am also counting calories so I don't go over. Please no smart responses I'm wanting to get serious about this I'm sick of this weight!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Eating in a deficit is what will make weight loss happen.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Exercise for fitness and muscle growth; diet to lose weight. If weight loss is your primary goal, then counting your calories accurately and maintaining a calorie deficit should be your first priority.

    Walking and exercise videos are great and all but that kind of exercise isn't really going to burn significant calories, so it's what you're eating that's really going to matter here. Make sure you're weighing (all solids) and measuring (all liquids) all your food (including tastes, condiments, beverages) and using accurate MFP entries (no "homemade" listings unless they're your own, USDA values when possible, etc.)
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    Doing ab exercises doesn't burn a lot of calories, and won't really get you six pack. If you have to work out at home try something more full body intensive. Complete bodyweight workouts, HIIT, compound movements and cardio.

    As others have said, CICO is what matters if you want to drop weight. If you're looking for Abs you have to drop weight and body fat percentage. Good luck!
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member

    Sounds like you're on the right track!! Keep yourself moving and remember that your nutrition is most important. Good luck on your journey!
  • BCallaway23
    BCallaway23 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks everyone! I have to workout at home because I have a little one and can't leave her. But I am really wanting to lose weight I'm sick of being heavy. I'll look into some videos with weights also thanks!
  • BCallaway23
    BCallaway23 Posts: 27 Member
    If yall know any good DVDs to help me tone up and gain muscle that would be great thanks!
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Are you able to take walks with a stroller? That would be a great start! Congrats on your decision!
  • BCallaway23
    BCallaway23 Posts: 27 Member
    My little girl is 4 and wouldn't sit in a stroller lol she has to mush energy, but I usually walk around the yard while she sits and plays. I just purchased a kettlebell DVD and a kettlebell and I hope that will help me tone myself up.
  • AndiJH
    AndiJH Posts: 84 Member
    HIIT workouts will help burn more calories. Burpees, jumping exercises, body weight squats, push-ups and similar moves are great too. If you don't have access to a gym, you can look for a bodyweight program that focuses on calorie burn. I follow something similar to BBG.
    Diet will have the biggest impact tho - accurate calorie logging, portion control and paying attention to the quality of ingredients will help your progress.
    You got this! Stay positive and find your motivation every morning
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    flegs2345 wrote: »
    My little girl is 4 and wouldn't sit in a stroller lol she has to mush energy, but I usually walk around the yard while she sits and plays. I just purchased a kettlebell DVD and a kettlebell and I hope that will help me tone myself up.

    Take her to the park so you can both run around?