Eating disorders

BrianneKinney Posts: 3 Member
edited July 2016 in Motivation and Support
I am getting too skinny but I am terrified of gaining the slightest amount of weight.
I am obsessed with calories and definitely have started having some disordered eating behaviors. :'(


  • BrianneKinney
    BrianneKinney Posts: 3 Member
    I also definitely think my perception of skinny and fat is distorted. I call "big" what most people define as their ideal
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited July 2016
    It's really great that you're able to identify your behaviours! I think it would be worthwhile to see if you can find someone to talk about it with, a professional maybe. They're well equipped to help. I think there will be some people who comment who can give you support as well.

    Maybe try doing one small thing everyday to try to help yourself. Today it was posting on MFP, maybe tomorrow is allowing yourself an apple that you don't count in your calories. Sorry I can't really help.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    It's really great that you're able to identify your behaviours! I think it would be worthwhile to see if you can find someone to talk about it with, a professional maybe. They're well equipped to help. I think there will be some people who comment who can give you support as well.

    Maybe try doing one small thing everyday to try to help yourself. Today it was posting on MFP, maybe tomorrow is allowing yourself an apple that you don't count in your calories. Sorry I can't really help.

    I'd like to second this. There might be an ED group on here as well that can offer more help.
  • Annaisready
    Annaisready Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Brianne...this is something that i cannot relate too however I can certainly empathize with you. People who have never had a "weight challenge" have no idea the emotional/ mental aspect that can accompany weight loss/ gain/ fear etc. I believe that the foundation of your obsessing is all based on FEAR and Loss of Control. If this is the 1st time you have experienced as you call "obsessive behaviours" try to get some professional help ASAP so you can get this under control. If you can't afford it...go to the Library and take out a book or 2 and read or use youtube ..I'm sure there are some great educational tutorials that you can learn from. I love youtube I research everything on there (forget the people who ramble on youtube..look for educational posts). Whichever avenue you choose,,you will be O.K. this is just a phase and you will get over it with the right tool. Educate yourself!
    wishing you all the best.. from Toronto Canada