I'm new (again!)

I'm looking for friends here on MFP to share support, encouragement, advice etc...so please feel free to add me!

You might want to know a little bit about me:
Im a 21 year old female from the UK. I started my new healthy lifestyle on the 9th January 2011 when I weighes 15st 4. Since then I have managed to lose nearly 5 stone. On Sunday, my weight was 10st 5.6. (Sunday is my weekly weigh-in day. However I sometimes jump on them in the week, only to be disappointed so I am trying to get out of this habit!)
I enjoy exercise now, I never, ever thought I would be one of 'those people'. I go to a Zumba class 3 times a week, a body combat class and a legs, bums and tums class. I also do about 10km power walk on the treadmill at home at the weekend.
My target was to get to 10 stone but as i'm approaching it I feel I want to lose a bit more. Maybe 9st 8ish?! I'm undecided!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this and please add away!


  • Unbreakable360
    ...welcome...!!!...good to have you on board...!!!...feel free to add....oohhh...and that is one beautiful sunset.....