I need to stop snacking in the evening ideas please!

Hi all I've upped my exercise and loving it also trying to do weights at least 3x a week for strength. I can see my body getting stronger but even after 10 weeks it's my belly still flabby and my weight is not dropping.

I know it's my fault once evening hits and the kids go down I can eat anything sugar savoury and self sabatage the whole day. Does anyone else struggle with this?


  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    i struggle badly with this. i can't sleep if i don't eat something and end up screwing up my deficit most of the time. wish i could offer more advice :(
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    The key for me (because this is a huge issue for me too) has been pre logging my day as much as possible. That way I know almost exactly how many calories I have to play with at the end of the day.

    The other thing has been not keeping tempting stuff in the cupboards.
  • B4Rachael
    B4Rachael Posts: 155 Member
    If I feel like snacking and find myself in the kitchen after I put the kids to bed I drink a glass full of water and leave the kitchen. If I end up going back for a snack later then I grab another glass of water and 100 calorie pack of something. The 100 calorie packs are nice because I feel like I got my snack but I didn't kill my progress since 100 calories is a flexible range from day to day. nonnis.com/thinaddictives/pistachio-almond-thins/ these are my newest favorite!
  • ItsyBitsy246
    ItsyBitsy246 Posts: 307 Member
    If willpower is an issue, and you can't work it into your day, don't bring it into the house! Might not be too popular with the kids though. :)
  • peterbuller8
    peterbuller8 Posts: 155 Member
    My kids keep all the snacks hidden in their rooms if i can't see them i tend not to want them.
    It did take a few weeks to get used to it but now it's not a problem.
  • rebellez
    rebellez Posts: 11 Member
    I totally hear you and I have the same problem after the kids go to bed. I find if I brush my teeth when they do or drink herbal tea sometimes it can help. I guess mine is mainly due to stress - I'm not hungry and maybe I should try doing some mindfulness activities - meditate or something?
  • rachealjane24
    rachealjane24 Posts: 10 Member
    I struggle with this badly. I turn off the lights in the kitchen and close the baby gate. The physical act of closing the kitchen helps mentally shut it down too. I also drink peppermint tea all evening. I make a big pot and put it on the dining table for me to access.
    Since reading about not eating outside of the 8 hour period each day i have lost 8kgs.
  • rebellez
    rebellez Posts: 11 Member
    Since reading about not eating outside of the 8 hour period each day i have lost 8kgs.
    Yes I've read that intermittent fasts each day of 16 hours can put your body into fat burning mode - what hours do you do?
  • Journeydujour
    Journeydujour Posts: 7 Member
    The fact that you like to eat sugar probably means you are looking for an extra pick me up of energy since you are getting tired at the end of the day. Try to notice if you are actually just tired, and allow yourself to rest if that is what you really need. My pitfall is nighttime snacking and it took me a while to analyze why I was doing it. I love staying up late at night, so I reach for high carb and other sugary foods at night, which then compromise my sleep quality so it really backfires. I am still working on drinking water, and going to rest when that is actually what my body needs. Good luck.
  • LoFoSho100
    LoFoSho100 Posts: 66 Member
    This might be a silly solution, but it works for me. After I have an evening snack that I hope will satisfy my need to take a trip to the night snack buffet (but it never actually does and I always want popcorn and ice cream at 11pm-LOL), I brush my teeth. The minty freshness does not mix well with snacks...and I know if I snack, I will have to brush again. Ha!
  • JeffreyOC
    JeffreyOC Posts: 810 Member
    I try my best not to eat after 7pm however if I'm really hungry I'll just have a bit of fruit.
  • tasaiar1
    tasaiar1 Posts: 79 Member
    edited July 2016
    I struggled with this!
    Still do sometimes, I have a toddler and a baby and breastfeeding. So I just put it down to my body demanding more sugar for milk.

    But deep inside I know it's because that's the only time without the kids and my only resting time lol
    so what I found works for me, is to allocate one treat per night (to stop me from binge snacking)

    And the first few weeks I had to hide everything away in a box over the cupboard, it'd make noise bringing down and kids would wake up so I never went for seconds.

    Slowly my body adapted, and I still have my one treat a night :)
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    I try to eat my dinner later in the evening so I don't have so much time left to snack afterwards.
    I also make sure I've always got enough calories left for dessert, and try to brush my teeth as soon as I've used up all my calories - I'm less likely to eat after I've brushed my teeth so that helps.
    Also getting an adult colouring book has been helpful because it gives e something to do with ym hands to prevent my from idly snacking.
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    I have always been an evening snacker. This is what I love about my fitness pal I save calories for having evening snacks.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    daniip_la wrote: »
    If you like to snack in the evenings, save some calories for it. That's what I do.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    stop buying *kitten* to snack on

    save the calories for room for a snack
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I save calories for the evening. I try to eat lots of protein and healthier options during the day, and then once my kids are in bed its popcorn and m&ms for me! Every single night. Lost 90 lbs and I've been maintaining since April doing this lol. I am very intentional about weighing out m&ms and popcorn though so I'm not just mindlessly eating all night. Sometimes I change it up and eat a big bowl of ice cream but it's always "junk" food.