Not loosing no matter what

Ok, I'm 59 might have a lot to do with this, but I'm active. Been watching what inept and logging everything into my fitness pal. At the completion of each day it tells me in 5 weeks I'll weigh at least 11 lbs than what I am now. It's been 3 weeks and have only lost 3 lbs....can you spell FRUSTRATED. I Go to the gym, kyack, bike ride, clean house, carry groceries, work in the garden, walk, I should be down more weight. I used fitness pal a year ago same resultS.....WTF... HELP,


  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    One pound per week is good progress.

    You may need to work on your logging. Double-check the database entries you are using to make sure they are accurate.

    Here's some good advice:

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    edited July 2016
    It's not your age.

    Are you weighing your ingredients of your food using a digital food scale?

    How much weight do you have to lose?

    What is your calorie goal daily?

    Are you logging your exercise here, too? Real exercise, not "carrying groceries or 20 minutes of pulling weeds."

    Three pounds in three weeks is a good rate of loss.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    How much were you expecting to lose?? 1lb per week is usually the recommended rate of loss and is a great achievement. Weight loss takes time, and a slower rate is better for various reasons.
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    One pound per week is exactly as fast as you should be losing. You are doing it right, keep going!
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Ok, I'm 59 might have a lot to do with this, but I'm active. Been watching what inept and logging everything into my fitness pal. At the completion of each day it tells me in 5 weeks I'll weigh at least 11 lbs than what I am now. It's been 3 weeks and have only lost 3 lbs....can you spell FRUSTRATED. I Go to the gym, kyack, bike ride, clean house, carry groceries, work in the garden, walk, I should be down more weight. I used fitness pal a year ago same resultS.....WTF... HELP,

    You're down three pounds in three weeks. Not bad as a pound per week is a realistic goal without leaving you scratching at the cupboards and staring in the fridge for snacks. Good job!

    Forget the daily blurb when you log your day's food at the bottom of the page when it says in red letters "in 5 weeks you'll weigh XXX.xx amount of pounds". The fact is - you are not going to repeat each and every day exactly the same way and that is not the thing to be following.

    If you want to lose more than one pound per week - it's really quite simple (say 1.5 or even up to 2 pounds per week - which is about the limit without out ripping off the kitchen cupboard doors): You have to eat less.

    And the drop in weight, read in chart form, will not be a straight line. It will look more like a declining stock price that goes up, goes down, stays the same, goes up goes down, stays the same and on and on as you wiggle your way lower.

    The best PRIMER on the internet is right HERE. All your questions are answered as to why you are not losing more. Be brutally honest with your logging, stay on task, and remember - it takes time. A pound a week is pretty dang good - IMO.

    And it is doable without destroying your kitchen.
  • Hoohoohaa
    Hoohoohaa Posts: 48 Member
    Don't put too much stock in the "in 5 weeks you'll weigh..." part. I should consistently be 20 lbs less than I am now, and I'm losing at 1 1/4lb week rate. Are you going off the MFP calorie recommendation? I should be at 2650 according to MFP, but I gained weight when I ate that much. Taking a 20% reduction of my TDEE puts me at 2020, and things have been consistent since that change.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ok, I'm 59 might have a lot to do with this, but I'm active. Been watching what inept and logging everything into my fitness pal. At the completion of each day it tells me in 5 weeks I'll weigh at least 11 lbs than what I am now. It's been 3 weeks and have only lost 3 lbs....can you spell FRUSTRATED. I Go to the gym, kyack, bike ride, clean house, carry groceries, work in the garden, walk, I should be down more weight. I used fitness pal a year ago same resultS.....WTF... HELP,

    you are losing a pound per week, I dont see what the problem is...keep doing what you are doing.

    end thread/
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I hope the OP chimes in on the 28th to see what the latest week's result was. Another pound lost? More? Less?
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    What did you see inept do?
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I think your expectations need adjusting. Losing a pound per week is not "not losing no matter what."

    That 5-week projection assumes that 1) you eat the exact same calories and do the exact same exercise every day, 2) that you don't ever have weight fluxuations due to exercise, sodium, carbs, food volume, whatever, and 3) your logging is 100% accurate all of the time. It's meant to give you an idea of what can be accomplished if you stay on track as a means of encouragement. It's based in theory, not actuality.
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    eileensofianmushinfine Posts: 303 Member
    You're losing 1 pound per week! That's great! I use the 5-week blurb as a "gauge" of where I want to be -- NOT as an absolute - because there are too many variables. I know on "good" eating days, it shows that I will lose quite a bit -- and on "not-so-good" eating days it shows about a pound off from where i am -- For ME, that is enough of a wake-up call that I don't want to be going in that direction.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Losing one pound a week is a good, healthy and safe rate of weight loss. Yes, it's slow. Yes, it's frustrating. But keep in mind this isn't just a diet to lose weight; part of losing weight through calorie counting is retraining yourself to recognize a normal portion of food, as well as learning how to rebalence foods. This way, when you hit your goal, you will have the knowledge and skills to KEEP the weight off.

    Focus on the long term goal, not what you see week to week. If it helps, set smaller goals inside the big one. For example, since you need to recalculate your calories every 10lbs or so, plan a treat of some kind when you hit the 10lbs lost. Doesn't have to be food, could be a movie you want to see, something you want to buy for yourself, etc. Celebrating the little goals can be motivating in keeping you going towards the big final goal. This is a long road, but the end goal is a healthier you, and that's worth the journey. ^_^
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    That's a pound a week. I wish I could lose a pound a week!! It takes me like a month just to lose ONE.
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    I think we lost the OP. Shows she joined 7/21 and that was her "most recent" date as well...
  • itsthehumidity
    itsthehumidity Posts: 351 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    So you are losing

    At a healthy rate of 1lbs a week

    Your problem is hitting the complete button on MFP's bollocks, ignore it

    Bollocks is a polite way of putting it. It syncs with my Fitbit, which overestimates my calories burned by about 1500 per day. MFP then says hey if you keep this up you'll lose like a hundred pounds by Thursday! Yet somehow that doesn't happen and I lose about a pound a week.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    3lbs in 3 weeks IS a success! keep up the great work.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    You're losing 1 pound per week! That's great! I use the 5-week blurb as a "gauge"...

    I know on "good" eating days, it shows that I will lose quite a bit -- and on "not-so-good" eating days it shows about a pound off from where i am -- For ME, that is enough of a wake-up call that I don't want to be going in that direction.
    I use it as a wake up call also for accountability. It is a not-so-subtle reminder of how quickly I "could" gain all my hard earned lost pounds back. No way! It was hard work!