Starting Whole30 7/21; friends and accountabilty partners welcome

Hi! Does anyone care to join me in Whole30? After many years and many types of success and failure, I have concluded that a restrictive nutrition plan is best for me. I don't do moderation or grey very well, so I've chosen Whole30 as the best black/white nutrition plan for me, due to food sensitivities and inflammation. I actually started today but am calling Thursday 7/21 my Day 1 because 1) I'd love others to join and be on the same day as me, and 2) my 17-year old daughter gets home from a trip tomorrow, and I'm hoping she will join us. Part of the plan is not weighing or measuring my body until day 31, which is scary for me, but I am willing to comply for 30 days. I have been on a year-long plateau after losing 60 pounds in 2 years; time to buckle down! The only part of the program I'm modifying is, against Whole30 advice, I will continue to wegh, measure and log every bite. I have never sustainably lost without logging. If you want to join, please send a friend request and reply here. Optional: I will be making my food/activity diary visible to MFP friends, and will post my measurements (waist, hips, upper arm, thigh, neck) on my profile on Day 1 and Day 31. I will also (gulp) post a full frontal in abathing suit on those days. Up to you whether you want to do the same. Join me! Thanks, mom2rpkp (also known as Bonnie).


  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    What if she doesn't join you? How will you dea with the temptation of the non whole30 type food in the house?
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Great question! My daughter eats fairly healthy, and has already adapted well to my gluten-free life. Still, if she doesn't want to join, I will ask if she's willing to have the only non-compliant foods in the house be ones I don't love. I have a 5-year old, too, so will have to handle temptation anyway. And I teach pre-school special ed, so there is a boatload of non-compliant food around all the time. I have a work accountability partner and a days off/morning/evening accountabilibuddy. I will text with them. Accountability is another reason for starting this thread and looking for other MFP users to join and friend me; I do best when encouraging others.
  • sadieky1974
    sadieky1974 Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2016
    Yesterday was Day 1 of Round 2 for me. My hubs did the first go but is not continuing for Round 2. Let's keep in touch!
  • sadieky1974
    sadieky1974 Posts: 4 Member
    A couple observations from my Round 1:
    - planning is ESSENTIAL. I cannot stress it enough. Meal planning and anticipating times/situations that will be hard and having a plan in place to deal with it
    - Not weighing was one of the hardest things for me. Whenever I caught myself jonesing for the scale, I made myself go through all the NSVs I experienced - there have been many! When I did finally get on the scale 10 days after I finished, I had lost 15 pounds!
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Nice! Thanks for the advice; psyched for your Round 2 . I learned about the importance of planning daughter and I had two hard cleaning jobs, and I had a light breakfast. Drank plenty of water but skipped lunch because we were behind schedule. Kids wanted fast food on the way home (they don't get it very often) and it smelled amazing! But I hung in there and made a super healthy and delicious dinner. Probably won't eat enough because of needing to wait 3 hours; need to bring some nuts or something on these long days. I feel great overall - my body definitely loves this way of eating - but had a killer sugar withdrawal headache all day. This shall pass. Not weighing is scary for me, too...glad you had a nice surprise. I might have to weigh weekly - my union (I'm a preschool special ed teacher) offers free online health coaching, it it requires weekly weigh-ins. Even going that long will be hard. Good luck - you got this!