My goals to change

Some background, I live in Virginia but currently have been living in Okinawa since November 2015. I have healthier options here, though not always things I can read nutrition info on. I tend to not buy things that would make this easier because I have these things at home and don't want to spend money on something I already have and have more to take home when I leave.

I have read several posts and decided that I am not going to be able to be successful in measuring my success if I don't purchase a tape measure and food scale. I don't think I overestimate, but want to be sure.

I weigh at the gym, but am not sure if the scales are calibrated. One day I weighed and the following week it registered 18 lbs more so I don't trust them. I'm not willing to purchase a scale, but I am willing to purchase a tape measure and record those measurements once a month.

While I have a lot of weight to lose and don't focus on any magic number, feeling good again and being healthier are key and I'm enjoying that now.

Just posting this to be accountable to follow through.


  • jollyjeepers
    jollyjeepers Posts: 14 Member
    I bought a tape measure today. I didn't buy a scale because it was expensive and I didn't like it that much. I can order one on Amazon. I just need to wait to see if we have some new information this coming week before I order it to be shipped here.
  • jrmc83
    jrmc83 Posts: 77 Member
    Way to go on getting started! Measurements can be a better way to see success anyway. Are you military? I'm being nosy ;) anyway, good luck on your progress! You can friend me if you want, i log in every day.