New and need support

Well I'm not really new, I been using this site for a little over two weeks and it has already help me drop 4 pounds (Yeaaaah!) I know I put on this weight by depression and bing eating. While I don't plan on letting that happen again, I see some extreme changes getting ready to place in my life that may end up fighting against me. Someone whom I thought was my soulmate may have a change of heart and may not want to continue on and my only child is two months away from leaving for college. I know everyone has been through one of these before but what I want to know is different way to handle it. I use to eat. I remember my first big heart break I sat and ate a 5 lb bag of M&M in one night (yes I was sick the next morning). I don't want to use food as an escape anymore. any suggestions.


  • getnfitn2011
    I am an emotional eater in the proccess of recovering so I really don't have any sage advice. I just wanted to write and send hugs, I will pray over you!!
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I suggest using healthy ways to get over your rough spot. I had a boyfriend break my heart and I turned to working out. It never became an obsession but it definitely helped me get strong and feel better about myself - and lose a few pounds.

    Think of healthy things that make you feel good and focus on them. We are all here to help you!
  • fitchick114
    Hi, my name is Melissa and I am a recovering food addict. I know how hard it can be to actually overcome the emotional and binge eating. One thing that has been key is a food diary (I use a notebook in addition to MFP). When you write down what you are eating, make sure to note how you were feeling when you ate. It will help you to identify what your triggers are and then you can work on ways to deal with those triggers that don't involve food.
  • clancie518
    clancie518 Posts: 40
    Hi, my name is Melissa and I am a recovering food addict. I know how hard it can be to actually overcome the emotional and binge eating. One thing that has been key is a food diary (I use a notebook in addition to MFP). When you write down what you are eating, make sure to note how you were feeling when you ate. It will help you to identify what your triggers are and then you can work on ways to deal with those triggers that don't involve food.

    I agree with Melissa, but what else might help as well is to just write down your feelings aside from your food journal feelings. I myself am not a workout junkie (although I wish i was) so replacing food with workouts would not help me, however, writing down how I feel did help me get through those times when all I wanted to do was eat to numb the pain... so good luck to you.... you can do this...