Stevia safe?



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    tekiegirl wrote: »
    Very interesting. I have never really trusted sugar substitutes, especially as aspartame has had such bad press.
    Aspartame isn't bad, though (unless someone has a sensitivity to it)... It's just that, bad press.
  • adoette
    adoette Posts: 181 Member
    FDA approval is actually really hard to get. Any substance being sold as food that isn't whole food has been exhaustively tested.

    Ignore clickbait, do research on your own. In 8 years, no definitive cancer link has been found.

    Me personally, I hate the stuff, but that's just because it tastes gross. Splenda on the other hand, perfect for me.
  • bumblebeecone
    bumblebeecone Posts: 96 Member
    You know.. I don't get why we have to keep screwing with Mother. She already gave us a safe, non-carcinogenic, relatively low calorie sweetener - WHEN USED PROPERLY.

    It's called sugar. One teaspoon is like.. 10 calories. If you use 2.5 teasponse in your coffee, you're adding a whoppin' 25 calories. Even better, no cancer. No mutations. No 3 headed fishies swimming in your bathtub. Yes, it has calories *GASP* OH NO! Okay, so drink less soda or none at all. Stop getting Frosted Flakes. Next time you pass the cookie/cracker aisle at the grocery, get some graham crackers intead of double stuffed oreos. I mean .. really?

    This is supposed to be HEALTH conscious - not just stuff your food with crap that's going to kill you anyway so you can say you're thin and in good shape. Too much diet soda will kill your kidneys just as fast as too much regular soda. MODERATION. Always. And when you can, stick with real food.

    They say it for sugar too this is one of many. Heck aparently breathing to much air can kill people also. I agree it seems everything over done is bad and moderation is key
  • bumblebeecone
    bumblebeecone Posts: 96 Member
    I had a link but it removed it
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    I stopped reading at Cspi. Alarmist claptrap.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    It better be safe because I love putting it in my shakes. Not gonna read all that.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Holy! I think this is the record holder for oldest necro thread I've seen personally.
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    I have conflicted feelings on this. On the one hand, stevia has an unpleasant after taste to me, and some of its evangelists are really annoying, so part of me wants to believe it's bad for you. On the other hand, CSPI is a bunch of flakes and one really should not be inclined to believe anything that group says on any subject.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    You know.. I don't get why we have to keep screwing with Mother. She already gave us a safe, non-carcinogenic, relatively low calorie sweetener - WHEN USED PROPERLY.

    It's called sugar. One teaspoon is like.. 10 calories. If you use 2.5 teasponse in your coffee, you're adding a whoppin' 25 calories. Even better, no cancer. No mutations. No 3 headed fishies swimming in your bathtub. Yes, it has calories *GASP* OH NO! Okay, so drink less soda or none at all. Stop getting Frosted Flakes. Next time you pass the cookie/cracker aisle at the grocery, get some graham crackers intead of double stuffed oreos. I mean .. really?

    This is supposed to be HEALTH conscious - not just stuff your food with crap that's going to kill you anyway so you can say you're thin and in good shape. Too much diet soda will kill your kidneys just as fast as too much regular soda. MODERATION. Always. And when you can, stick with real food.

    I agree, just eat sugar ffs!
  • socalrunner59
    socalrunner59 Posts: 149 Member
    Moderation, all things in moderation. I personally use sugar cane sugar from Hawaii. I won't eat cane sugar from Central America though. In the past 20 years, 20,000 sugar cane workers in Nicaragua and El Salvador have died of kidney failure. The vast majority are workers bringing in the harvest. So if harvesting the sugar is killing these people, can it be the chemicals Monsanto sprays on the sugar cane during growing? I won't eat that Monsanto sugar or feed it to my family.