Since beginning your weightloss-

Have you noticed anything different about your body (other than the fact it's shrinking haha) like can you flex a body part you couldn't before (like me, I can flex my thighs now haha weird, I know). Have you gained a little more self-control when it comes to junk foods? I guess this post is more of a success story for you guys haha :)


  • Ive really noticed that my legs are a lot stronger and my stomach is harder and a little more toned! Also I find it soooo much easier to focus on eating healthy things instead of junk. Like now Id rather have an apple instead of the cookies and chips sitting on the counter. I have also noticed that im will to try more healthy foods. Like I use to hate mushrooms and tomatoes but now I love them! I have changed for the better!
  • nuttytart770223
    nuttytart770223 Posts: 43 Member
    I can bend down and tie my laces now!!!
  • cieraangel
    cieraangel Posts: 88 Member
    I moved my arm a certain way while I was holding it with my other hand, and I noticed a "growth" that scared me. Turns out it's a muscle. LOL
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    Feeling awesome and able to do anything & everything and also total self control about all junk food. My Body now is where it was meant to be....Great.........

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    I definitely see more strength in my legs and arms.

  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Since the beginning of my weight loss, I've noticed a change in how people respond to me, and how I respond to others. I'm more confident, deliberate and candid. I'm also more open and transparent about my feelings, which is improving my personal relationships....

    I can really say I truly love who I've grown to be... :wink:

    I also have thigh muscles now hehehe! :laugh:
  • shasslock
    shasslock Posts: 56
    I feel like my body changes everyday. My eyes look bigger. My lips look fuller. Aside from smaller clothes, I wear smaller shoes. I had to move my feet up in my car because I couldn't reach the pedals any longer thanks to a smaller butt :). I think about every single bite I place into my mouth now rather than blindly eating things. I have more energy and I get ALOT more attention ;).
  • altak9
    altak9 Posts: 20
    I have noticed that I feel much, much better! And...I like it!
  • jeffwalsh
    jeffwalsh Posts: 32 Member
    I've lost 66lbs in total now (my counter says 40 something because that's when I joined this site). I notice a definite lack of jiggle. lol. Sometimes I jump up and down just to notice the lack of jiggle. Sometimes I do it in my underwear. As weird as that sounds, I have a point (no I'm not a pervert). Before I lost weight, I hated my body and wouldn't look at myself in the mirror with out clothes on (if I looked in the mirror at all). Since losing that weight, I'm pumped. I'm always looking in the mirror. I do so without a shirt on, because I notice a huge difference. Since losing the weight, I have self confidence :). Here's to another 18lbs before September :) Or at least lose fat and ton up :)
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    my boobs are shrinking (major plus), the ruptored disc in my back doesn't hurt as often, i have more energy,
    i have pretty good self control when it comes to food, there are some foods i just dont allow in the house cause i will eat them lol
    i bake cookies or bread a few times a month and i never eat any
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Legs are much more defined from walking, my thighs barely touch anymore when walking and my belly roll from ahving my son is shrinking! Also, when I lay on my back, I can only see boobs, no belly sticking up!

    Also, I have had a huge surge in confidence, many people have complimented me and many have even told me how confident I seem now.
  • Lets_Do_It
    Lets_Do_It Posts: 202
    These stories are very inspirational! :] It's great to see how other people feel about their weightloss! Congrats!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I too have thigh muscles to flex, biceps, triceps, calfs, and I hide my mommy tummy very well now :) yay us!
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    I smile a lot more. I'm just happier and more at peace with myself and my life. It's pretty great!

    And my posture is a little better - it's like when I'm walking around I'm trying to show off that there's something vaguely reminiscent of a waist in there somewhere.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    So much more energy! Properly fueling my body has done wonders for my energy, and for my habits. I don't want to put a lot of garbage in my system because it will not help me feel my best. I'm still not perfect, but I'm doing better!

    I'm so much stronger- just a month in and I can already tell that I am stronger everywhere on my body.

    Because I am focusing on making sure I have healthy leftovers for lunches and other snacks and alternatives when I need them, I don't get fast food any more, which means I'm saving TONS of money! (this one is such a huge plus that really has nothing at all to do with physical fitness.)

    Clothes that I thought were just poorly cut or sized wonky are starting to fit. That bra wasn't poorly assembled, it was just not the right size. Now that I've lost inches, the wires don't jab me any more!

    My confidence has gone through the roof. I've always been confident and almost cocky, but the more I work on my outward appearance, the more I love the inner me.

    Thanks everyone for sharing!!! These are all great things to hear!!!
  • alpepp
    alpepp Posts: 55 Member
    I was Skyping with my mom with my arms propped up on the desk. I started to tell her how much weight lifting I had been doing and began to lift my arms. I noticed in my webcam window that my shoulder muscle began flexing. I got distracted, poked it with my finger and said, "Well, look at that. Hello, shoulders".

    Other areas that are now "poke-able": biceps, hamstrings, calves, hipbone (when lying down).

    I started out just wanting to be skinny. Now, I would much rather be buff. (Not scary-man buff but I-could-really-mess-you-up-while-looking-this-hot buff)
  • katijjane
    katijjane Posts: 57 Member
    i'm just much happier :) and hopefully will get much more confident as i keep losing weight! reading all of yours though has given me a little inspirational boost haha
  • 123Jude
    123Jude Posts: 56 Member
    I feel like my body changes everyday. My eyes look bigger. My lips look fuller. Aside from smaller clothes, I wear smaller shoes. I had to move my feet up in my car because I couldn't reach the pedals any longer thanks to a smaller butt :). I think about every single bite I place into my mouth now rather than blindly eating things. I have more energy and I get ALOT more attention ;).

    I have noticed the smaller shoe thing!! how crazy is that!! I did not expect to drop a shoe size!!
    I also love the "i can see my collar bones in my reflection"

  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Apart from various places of my body being more toned and muscles more visible, I am now finally happy when I look in the mirror. It took ages and healthy living but finally even my muffin looks pretty good in the morning.
    My TOM is much much easier.
    My health has improved significantly.
    I can shop for discounted clothes and almost always find my size there.
    I wear my bikini proudly first time in my life.
    I have so much more energy... I actually dance in the street (dont laugh:P).
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    Well I can see collar, wrist shoulder blades, hip knee ankle bones. I can cross my legs. I can stand and walk all day without having to sit. I don't need the handicap bathroom stall because I fit just fine (with my kids in too) in a regular stall. I am starting to see some definition in my upper abs. I can shop for clothes anywhere except the fat girl stores. Their clothes are all too big for me. My feet shrank which has led to the fabulous world of heels! I have endless energy now it seems. I have so many positives and only a few negative. Sooooooooo much loose skin and my brain can't keep up with me. I still see a hugely fat girl in the mirror. I only see progress in pics when I compare to old ones.
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