Intermittent Fasting



  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    edited June 2016
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Hi everyone i wanted to share my experience with IF. I think IF is an amazing way to stay in deficit because in that small hour frame when you eat you can eat big meals and it feels like you are not on a diet. First week was kind of hard but after it your body will adapt and you will feel no hunger. Im using the 16/8 but most often it ends up 17/7 but its amazing.I lose 1kg every week without problem. I will recommend IF to everyone whio can do it, i didnt have any side effects and i love it. Whats your thoughts on Intermittent Fasting :)

    It would be interesting to see if you still ate exactly the same amount of food, but in a larger time window (say 10 hours) would you still have lost the same amount of weight.

    I eat in a 10 hour window and I can't imagine what difference 2 hours less would make. I would still eat the same amount of calories.

    Why wouldn't he? He's still eating the same amount of calories a day?

    That's exactly my point, so why do the fasting in the first place if you get the same results.

    Stomach filling meals that leave you feeling satisfied.

    All my meals fill me and leave me satisfied and I eat around 1200-1300 cals a day whenever I want, without having to starve myself for 16 hrs.

    I'm guessing that fasting is more a personal thing that may work for some people and not others. Though when you go back to normal eating what would happen then? Would you be so used to eating in an 8 hour window would you always eat like that? or would you overeat again when your not following that 16/8 hr window?

    re: stuff in bold.

    I've used an IF protocol off and on* for about 5 years now. I consider it my "normal" eating protocol.

    I use IF when cutting (losing weight) but I also have periods where my intention is to bulk (eat at calorific surplus in order to gain muscle). In these periods I sometimes find that I have to add in breakfasts so that I can cram the required number of calories in without feeling sick. Having said that, I also sometimes, fast during the day and then have a truly epic 3000-3500 calorie meal in the evening.

    edited to add...

    when in a calorific surplus switching between a full day eating window and a restricted eating window is very easy - to be honest you are never hungry so having the restriction is not an issue. Switching between bulking and cutting can be hard but that is not a factor of the IF but of dropping ones calories by 750 per day!
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    IF helps control the appetite, so it makes it easier to stay within your calorie limit.
    I used to never eat breakfast, and was never really hungry during the day, except at meal times.

    I was lured into the 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' mantra, and the '6 small meals' thing.
    This was a disaster for me. I was ravenous ALL THE TIME. For me, breakfast is an appetizer, I want more!

    When I first heard about IF, it was like a light bulb going off. I returned to my more natural way of eating (skipping breakfast, and just having two good-sized meals), and suddenly my hunger was under control.

    If you like grazing, this method is not for you.

    And yes, you can drink water and tea while you fast. (for me, I'm sleeping most of my fast)
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Are you guys drinking water or tea during your fasting periods?

    Water, black coffee, occasionally zero cal soft drinks. I take some vitamins and supplements which add up to 20 -25 cals first thing in the morning but stress that these are not because of the IF - I take them when not fasting also.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    Are you guys drinking water or tea during your fasting periods?

    Water, black coffee, occasionally zero cal soft drinks. I take some vitamins and supplements which add up to 20 -25 cals first thing in the morning but stress that these are not because of the IF - I take them when not fasting also.

    Vitamins on an empty stomach are bad, you know. I delay my vitamins til I eat..
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Hi everyone i wanted to share my experience with IF. I think IF is an amazing way to stay in deficit because in that small hour frame when you eat you can eat big meals and it feels like you are not on a diet. First week was kind of hard but after it your body will adapt and you will feel no hunger. Im using the 16/8 but most often it ends up 17/7 but its amazing.I lose 1kg every week without problem. I will recommend IF to everyone whio can do it, i didnt have any side effects and i love it. Whats your thoughts on Intermittent Fasting :)

    It would be interesting to see if you still ate exactly the same amount of food, but in a larger time window (say 10 hours) would you still have lost the same amount of weight.

    I eat in a 10 hour window and I can't imagine what difference 2 hours less would make. I would still eat the same amount of calories.

    Why wouldn't he? He's still eating the same amount of calories a day?

    That's exactly my point, so why do the fasting in the first place if you get the same results.

    Stomach filling meals that leave you feeling satisfied.

    All my meals fill me and leave me satisfied and I eat around 1200-1300 cals a day whenever I want, without having to starve myself for 16 hrs.

    I'm guessing that fasting is more a personal thing that may work for some people and not others. Though when you go back to normal eating what would happen then? Would you be so used to eating in an 8 hour window would you always eat like that? or would you overeat again when your not following that 16/8 hr window?

    Take me for instance, I don't starve myself for 16 hours (I don't feel starving and I have a better work out on an empty stomach). I'm quite comfortable with eating one large 1200-1500 calorie meal a day during the week and have since 2013. There are some weekends with family breakfasts and parties that are out of the norm but I I lost 50+ lbs and have kept if off. I'm quite comfortable eating this way and could do it indefinitely. Isn't that what is more important...adherence?
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    annaskiski wrote: »
    Are you guys drinking water or tea during your fasting periods?

    Water, black coffee, occasionally zero cal soft drinks. I take some vitamins and supplements which add up to 20 -25 cals first thing in the morning but stress that these are not because of the IF - I take them when not fasting also.

    Vitamins on an empty stomach are bad, you know. I delay my vitamins til I eat..

    That is not true and you need to be careful about the types of food that you eat when taking some vitamins.

    For example eating a milky breakfast cereal when taking a supplement containing iron will hinder iron absorption (and similarly if you're taking a calcium sup alongside a spinach omelette you will get decreased calcium absorption). Some vitamins are fat soluble and so require fat to be fully absorbed but they are often supplied in soft gel form where the bulk of the capsule is oil. In this instance some fat is always present when taking these sups.

    The recommendation to eat when taking vitamins seems to be mainly to avoid potential stomach upsets. But, luckily for me, this has never been an issue.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I have been eating IF all my life - dont eat breakfast, and eat lunch and dinner between 12 and 6pm. I got fat that way, and now I am learning to lose weight that way. Timing doesnt seen to have an impact on weight loss - its all about the number of calories consumed. So instead of consuming 2000+ calories in that time frame, I now consume 1200 calories, thus a deficit, thus weight loss. Easy peasy.
  • tropicotropico
    tropicotropico Posts: 6 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Hi everyone i wanted to share my experience with IF. I think IF is an amazing way to stay in deficit because in that small hour frame when you eat you can eat big meals and it feels like you are not on a diet. First week was kind of hard but after it your body will adapt and you will feel no hunger. Im using the 16/8 but most often it ends up 17/7 but its amazing.I lose 1kg every week without problem. I will recommend IF to everyone whio can do it, i didnt have any side effects and i love it. Whats your thoughts on Intermittent Fasting :)

    It would be interesting to see if you still ate exactly the same amount of food, but in a larger time window (say 10 hours) would you still have lost the same amount of weight.

    I eat in a 10 hour window and I can't imagine what difference 2 hours less would make. I would still eat the same amount of calories.

    In 10 hour i would eat probbaly 500 calories mlre because when i eat once i cant stop snacking and eating, so for me this is amazing :D
  • tropicotropico
    tropicotropico Posts: 6 Member
    Are you guys drinking water or tea during your fasting periods?
    Are you guys drinking water or tea during your fasting periods?

    I find somewhere that if you eat anything less then 35 calories you will still be in fasted state, and water, sugerless coffe is all 0 calories so why not :smiley:
  • BeadDiva1
    BeadDiva1 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm currently doing IF. I like to workout fasted using my fat stores as fuel. So yeah, A lot of people just talk about eating habits but fasting does something to the body during its fasting mode. Mentally, it helps me with snacking after dinner. I'm down 4 lbs in one week. I've been stuck at my current weight since January doing paleo and gym 5 days a week. The body stops responding and gets used to the routine so I am giving IF a try. Glad I did so far.
  • nyreecatrice
    nyreecatrice Posts: 4 Member
    so let me see if i got this IF straight.

    my calorie intake of

    1,200 150 40 60 2,300 45
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

    stays the same. i just make sure i have them between 12 pm and 7pm. Rather than little meals i should focus on 2 or 3 large ones.

    i can feel satisfied with water, tea, etc until noon.

    if i exercise i can take in more calories.

    what am i missing?

    Thank you so much!!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Hi everyone i wanted to share my experience with IF. I think IF is an amazing way to stay in deficit because in that small hour frame when you eat you can eat big meals and it feels like you are not on a diet. First week was kind of hard but after it your body will adapt and you will feel no hunger. Im using the 16/8 but most often it ends up 17/7 but its amazing.I lose 1kg every week without problem. I will recommend IF to everyone whio can do it, i didnt have any side effects and i love it. Whats your thoughts on Intermittent Fasting :)

    It would be interesting to see if you still ate exactly the same amount of food, but in a larger time window (say 10 hours) would you still have lost the same amount of weight.

    I eat in a 10 hour window and I can't imagine what difference 2 hours less would make. I would still eat the same amount of calories.

    Why wouldn't he? He's still eating the same amount of calories a day?

    That's exactly my point, so why do the fasting in the first place if you get the same results.

    Stomach filling meals that leave you feeling satisfied.

    All my meals fill me and leave me satisfied and I eat around 1200-1300 cals a day whenever I want, without having to starve myself for 16 hrs.

    I'm guessing that fasting is more a personal thing that may work for some people and not others. Though when you go back to normal eating what would happen then? Would you be so used to eating in an 8 hour window would you always eat like that? or would you overeat again when your not following that 16/8 hr window?

    I would starve on a 1200 calorie diet. I tried and it wasn't pretty. If I could be full on a 1200 calorie diet I wouldn't have gotten this big in the first place.

    As to the bolded, it really becomes so easy after a while that you don't even think about it. It feels normal to you. Now even if a person does decide to go back to eating in a way that does not follow 16/8 it's also pretty easy. Imagine this situation:

    A person whose maintenance is 2000 calories is dieting, doing 1500 calories. They eat 1500 calories within an 8 hour window. They transition to maintenance, could eat 1500 calories within the 8 hour window and 500 calories outside it. Many people do continue skipping a meal though out of habit and appreciate the large meals getting even larger.

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    so let me see if i got this IF straight.

    my calorie intake of

    1,200 150 40 60 2,300 45
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

    stays the same. i just make sure i have them between 12 pm and 7pm. Rather than little meals i should focus on 2 or 3 large ones.

    i can feel satisfied with water, tea, etc until noon.

    if i exercise i can take in more calories.

    what am i missing?

    Thank you so much!!

    This is correct, and yes you can eat back your exercise calories (be careful how many though, because many calorie calculator over-estimate exercise).

    At first there is an adjustment period where you may feel hungry in the morning but you get used to it pretty fast and after a while you rarely even notice.
  • Oncebittentwiceshy38
    Oncebittentwiceshy38 Posts: 127 Member
    I love doing IF and am starting to be successful at weight loss again for the first time in a couple of years! I feel so free from having to follow a strict eating plan, and because I know I can eat what I want (with in reason of course) I don't feel the need to over eat! I'm still keeping track of what I eat so that I can track any weight gain and go from there. I usually fast from 9 PM until noon or later the next day. I plan to stretch out some longer fasts, but not rush into it.