weight loss not happening?! serious help required :(

I've been eating reasonably well, keeping within or slightly above my target of 1200 calories and I've also been excersising alot more regularly, I seemed to loose 5 pounds in the first 2 weeks, but now Ive suddenly put it all back on again? it is my 'time of the month' so i'm wondering if its to do with that?
I'm trying so hard to loose weight, and I'm struggling to find any more motivation without these results :(

any advice would make me so grateful.
many thanks xx


  • brittbergh
    brittbergh Posts: 130 Member
    It could be a lot of water weight and retention from being your monthly so I really wouldn't worry about it.
    Keep up the good work though I know it hasn't been easy for me either and I'm about 3 weeks in now!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Your diary seems to have a lack of fruit and veg, and a lot of sugary snacks. Are there any changes you cold make there?
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    "exercising more" = some muscle gain
    TOM = water gain

    Keep doin' what you're doin'. Buy some veggies and fruit and treat yourself to a veggie dip platter and curb the TOM sweet cravings with some fresh strawberries and cool whip free. Make a veggie dip out of fat free sour cream, fat free mayo and some spices. Try dill.

  • victoriamaria14
    victoriamaria14 Posts: 24 Member
    i tend not to include my fruit and veg as theyre reasonably low calorie, im also on british weight watchers where again, we dont include fruit and veg when calculating points.
    I guess I could cut out my sugary snacks though - thanks :)
  • deesjourney2fit
    It could very well be your water retention from your cycle. I also checked your diary and noticed there doesn't seem to be very many breakfast meals the last few days. Do you regularly eat breakfast? I also noticed that you didn't track any water so I recommend drinking plenty of water! I agree with Melanie on the sugar and fruits/veggies. Hope these bits of advice help, you can do this sweetie!
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    Looking at your diary I would not only say you need to eat more, but water intake. Unless you are not tracking everything you need to try and eat 3 meals a day and snacks in between. You need to balance when you eat and when you are taking it in.

    You should be trying to get at least 1200 calories per day.

    Watch the fat, and the sugar. Fruit and Veggies would help as well.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Some of it is definitely water weight, so drink more water! This seems counterintuitive, but it's not. Good luck :heart:
  • victoriamaria14
    victoriamaria14 Posts: 24 Member
    sounds really tasty! will defiantely give it a try!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    A) Track EVERYTHING.
    B) How tall are you? At our age 1200 calories is pretty low. Esp if you're taller...
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    I see you don't track fruits and veggies...I would still track them! they do add up and maybe you are going over....fruit does have many calories depending on how much you are eatting...I know they are free foods on weight watchers but lots of sugar and carbs etc.....
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    You need to be more consistent in the calories, some days are too high and others are too low.

    Try to work to being more consistent and then dropping til you get to the 1200 min. Keep the protein up, above 65, lots of fiber and water along with a regular exercise schedule along with some pateince and you should see some results.

    Keep an eye on the sodium too, all the up and down might be confussing the body so it opts to hold on to everything. Just give it a try and see if it works.

    Best of Luck!
  • dlafarga
    dlafarga Posts: 19 Member
    It happens to me too! It's water retention. whether you're on birth control or not, during that time of the month you will retain water.
    Looking at your diary, I notice you either skip meals or snacks. Or maybe you're not logging them in because they're fruits and veggies. I notice I don't lose much weight at all if I skip meals. Any sugary snack I eat has to have 10g or less of sugar. Otherwise, I am asking to gain weight. I like special K cereal bars and snacks. They're tasty and they only have 7g of sugar.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I see a few things diet-wise. For one, ALWAYS make sure you are eating at LEAST 1200 NET calories daily. You seem to be consistently way under and that isn't good for you weight loss goals OR for your body.

    You should ALWAYS eat breakfast. I didn't for the longest... but as soon as I did on a regular basis and made it a bigger meal, I started dropping weight like mad.

    Eat less processed food and more whole foods. The cup of soups and fast food entries are many. You need to have fresh fruits and veggies in there... they give you vital nutrients and a lot of veggies eaten raw will bump your burn rate because it burns more calories to digest those kinds of things.

    Watch your sodium intake!!! This is a big one and kind of goes hand in hand with the last bit I wrote. Prepackaged and fast foods tend to be very high in sodium. Sodium will cause your body to retain water which will make it a lot more difficult to lose weight. If you started tracking your sodium you might be surprised at how much of it you are putting into your body... It took me tracking it in my diary here to realize how bad I was about it.... but being mindful of it will help you eat better and should help you drop a bit too...

    Those were my observations, take them or leave them. Much luck to you!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    i tend not to include my fruit and veg as theyre reasonably low calorie, im also on british weight watchers where again, we dont include fruit and veg when calculating points.
    I guess I could cut out my sugary snacks though - thanks :)

    And this would be why I have a problem with weight watchers. If you plan on tracking calories as well as doing weight watchers you NEED to log your fruits and veggies on here! They might be 'free foods' with them, but they DO still have calories and not logging them is going to hurt you if you are trying to use this site to lose. Some of those fruits and veggies have quite a few calories and it's entirely possible you are WAY undercalculating your calories on this site by leaving those things out... to use this site to its fullest potential you need to be logging EVERY morsel that passes your lips...
  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    Someone else was asking about logging fruit and veg so I added up my diary to see what it would look like if I didn't count them - I'm eating about 1,200 calories a day at the moment and more than a third of those calories are coming from fruit and veg. If you aren't logging them you could be eating a lot more than you think.

    That said, if 1lb of fat = 3,500 calories you'd have had to eat an awful lot of carrots to put on 5lb, so I'm thinking there's probably just some normal and to-be-expected variations in your weight going on there...
  • Mysticmarduk
    ... my target of 1200 calories and I've also been excersising alot more regularly, ...

    Throwing my 2 cents in. Take it or leave it but Keep working at it. :)

    I am making 3 assumptions so please correct me if i'm wrong.
    1. You used the default of 1200 calories from the sites 2 lb's a week loss formula instead of figuring our yout BMR.
    2. You don't normally excerise alot and
    3. You don't eat your calories back from excerise?

    "target of 1200" is saying you have a daily calorie need of less than 2200. My guess is this is to few calories during your day with your added excerise.

    Use a BMI site like http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ calcuate your BMI and then add in your Daily actively level.
    Excercise 1-3 days a week = BMI * 1.375 = Daily Calorie Need
    Excercise 3-5 days a week = BMI * 1.55 = Daily Calorie Need
    Excercise 6-7 days a week = BMI * 1.725 = Daily Calorie Need

    If your Daily deficit is more than 1000 Calories Increase your Daily Intake.

    I know this seems counter intuitive but i was in your shoes a few weeks ago.

    If you have any questions please let me know i'd be glad to chat with anyone.

    (Summary - Eat More )
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Here's my 2 cents.

    I checked your diary and think that you aren't getting enough protein. I know it sounds strange, but for me and many others, it's a good idea to eat 5 small meals a day with complex carbs, protein and fat with each meal. Doing this keeps you energized throughout the day, boosts your metabolism and helps lose weight. You can use the 40-30-30 ratio or 45-30-25, but somewhere in that ballpark. You'd be amazed at the difference. Best of luck and don't hesitate to ask questions.
  • victoriamaria14
    victoriamaria14 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone - Im definately going to make sure I count everything now!
    The reason I may skip breakfast is because I'm currently on holidays so I'm sleeping in until 11 and so its almost lunch!
    Can I track my own sodium levels on here? or do I have to do that seperatly? What should my sodium intake be?
    As for water, Im defiantely going to start drinking more!
    thanks again, really cant express how much I appriciate all this help!
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Can I track my own sodium levels on here?

    Yes, as well as sugar and others.
  • victoriamaria14
    victoriamaria14 Posts: 24 Member
    how do i do that?