A real kick in the pants...rant

I've been working really hard to change my lifestyle for the better in the last 2 months. I've increased my exercise from almost nothing to going out and doing moderate exercise 6 days a week. I've actually slowly started incorporating running with my daily walks. I've made good changes in my diet and I don't feel like going back to the way things were. Both my dietitian and my health and wellness coach tell me that I'm doing great, and to keep it up!

Unfortunately, there are times where I'm really made to feel like i've not done nearly enough because I'm not where I want to be (or should be) yet. Today was one of those days. Every year, my job offers biometric screening assessments, and if you complete it every year, you get substantial discounts on your insurance premiums. Last year, I was about as unhealthy as I could possibly be: cholesterol was super high, I was morbidly obese, drinking 64-84oz of soda daily, rarely eating fruits and vegetables, and eating super high fat fast food 2-3 times a day. This year, I've made a lot of good changes and turned almost all of those bad habits around, but the numbers on paper don't show it yet. So I got chastised about my cholesterol still being high. My total cholesterol actually dropped by about 10% from last year, but oddly despite exercising more, my HDL also dropped by 9 points. So the woman absolutely refused to accept me telling her that I've actually increased my exercise as described above. She said there's "no way" my HDL could have dropped if I were actually exercising, or with sufficient frequency/intensity. Oh, and of course nagging about the fact i'm still obese, my waistline is still too big, i'm at big risk of apparently keeling over within the next week due to my poor health and lifestyle choices, blah blah blah pfffft.

After everything i've worked for, it really just was a slap in the face and a kick in the pants at probably the worst time for me (I'm at that critical turning point where I'm either going to stick with this for the long haul, or throw in the towel). I guess I just wish I could skip these screenings or health assessments, because it's frustrating to be treated by medical staff as if I've never eaten a vegetable in my life or ever done anything but sit on my *kitten* (I actually used to be an avid athlete). Why can't these people listen to me and encourage me with my good changes and choices, rather than chastising me for not getting where I should be fast enough? Sorry for the rant, I guess I just wanted to get it off my chest and maybe get some encouragement to not give up.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    2 months is great, keep going! You are changing your life for the better, right?
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    See, right now I'm not overly worried about the cholesterol. I know that if I keep doing the right things, it will eventually go down as I lose weight. I'm actually really happy that it's already gone down by 10%! I didn't expect to see a change at all honestly. I was also glad to see my nonfasting blood glucose had gone down substantially too. It just hurt when I'm working so hard and it's wholly disregarded because "ZOMG your health is still sooooo horrible, who cares if you're already doing stuff to fix it, it's not already 100% fixed!" Ugh... Well, I guess there's next year, and I can rub it in their nasty faces.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Two months isnt long. Have you lost weight? If so b proud of yourself
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Omg gurl who gives a *kitten* what they say! You doing great and doing the right thing.
    Only been 2 months. Imagine next year when you can kick *kitten*!
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 543 Member
    I'm truly sorry to hear that they disregarded the changes you've made, that sure hurts. How incredibly demotivating!

    2 months is great, definitely keep that up! There is two sayings that I love and think are useful ways to look on things, which I've heard people say here on myfitnesspal, and I'll leave them here...

    "If your car had a flat tyre, would you go and slash the other 3?"
    "You may as well keep trying because the time will pass anyway."
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    edited July 2016
    Well.... she was obviously wrong.
    She also has no people skills.

    I would make a formal complaint to her supervisor, that was just rude- really.

    And congratulations on all of the positive changes you have made!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Don't take it personal. It's just a marker of where you currently are and NOT where you'll finish. The goal should be that next year, you kick this year's stats out the door.
    Personally I would use it as a motivating factor. People do better when the have a goal to achieve and enough time to achieve it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    edited July 2016
    Wow. I'm so sorry for your experience. If women like her are not uncommon, it's no wonder many individuals fall off track when they're doing so well. Remember: you *KNOW* you're doing everything right, right? Keep at it and soon enough, the assessments will reflect your work. Just don't quit! Let them talk and disbelieve. Time will show what your hard work is doing for you.
    When I began my weight loss, I did a walking and running routine at a small, local trail park. I remember being proud about managing to drop from an obese to an overweight BMI range and working up so that I was finally able to run a mile in about ten minutes. Among the regulars at the park was a personal trainer. He was nice and all, but when I told him about my mile run time, he gave me a super skeptical look that discouraged me a little.
    Another time, I went shopping. Despite the weight loss, larger clothing still were my best options, and through pictures, I realized that I still looked huge. Even so, I persisted. Once my runs were under 10 minutes, I moved onto HITT and resistance training. Today, I'm not crazy fit, but I am healthy and in a happier place.
    Take home message: People will disbelieve you and measurement standards may not accurately measure your progress as you transition into a healthy lifestyle. I promise though, that perseverance and adherence to proven weight management strategies will not fail you. It is hard, yes. I know the struggle all too well, but I also know very well the wonderful rewards.
  • sugom2
    sugom2 Posts: 93 Member
    So who is this "woman" that beat you up about your HDL? My company also provides substantial discounts for bio screening assessments, in fact, it is free of charge once a year. This year when I went, the technician tried to measure me with my clothes on, and was trying to take a waist measurement across my rib cage--until I corrected her. Needless to say, My results were horrible compared to last year, and I am in better condition than last year. Next year, I will have my doctor do it, rather than the free lab.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    I've been through those assessments and it's sad that the medical professionals make it demeaning instead of encouraging. So, the goal is to complete the assessment and get the discount on your insurance. Check! You did that. Let go of the judgment and keep up the good work! Maybe take a look at other things you can do to help the cholesterol numbers. Mine were pretty high and I started eating oatmeal for breakfast 4-5 days a week in addition to more exercise and lots of vegetables. The numbers were better this year.

    Don't throw in the towel! Wrap it around your neck and get to work! B)


    And just WAIT until you get back there next year and really blow them away!!! :heart:
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    people are a-holes. that person must be miserable working a job where she has to immediately assume she's being lied to by everyone. i know i'd hate it! show 'em up next year, sister!
  • mikepicher
    mikepicher Posts: 23 Member
    I'll echo what others have said. 2 months really isn't a lot of time and the fact that you are seeing changes is great. I set my initial goals out at 1 year. It was simply "I want to turn 50 in better shape than when I turned 49." Kept it simple and I achieved that.

    Remember, a collection of small changes over time add up to big changes. Keep tweaking and you'll get to where you want to go.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    This is how I try to deal with people who are unreasonably nasty or negative for no good reason: I usually spend a little time yelling "f**k you!!" in my head, then I thank my lucky stars that I don't have to BE that person. I'm assuming she could see your assessment results from last year, so she could have chosen to congratulate you on moving in the right direction and made it a positive moment in both your days. Instead, she chose to make it a negative interaction. Sucks to be her.
  • PlantBasedRnr
    PlantBasedRnr Posts: 129 Member
    HEY! Screw the HATERS !!! A year ago I was 100lbs. heavier and diagnosed with Diabetes... it isn't going to happen overnight... fight the good fight and you WILL SEE and FEEL the improvement. Two months isn't a whole lot of time but you have time on your side... you are still young and can effect a change on your life, just do it now while you can. Stick around here, stay motivated and feel the love! YOU GOT THIS!
  • Mnaminal
    Mnaminal Posts: 90 Member
    Not for nothing, but there is standard error associated with lipid panels (any diagnostic really). Took a quick peek at industry standards, acceptable error for total cholesterol is +/-10% and HDL is +/-30% according to CLIA. So unless your HDL last year was under 30, the change could be attributed to error in the test, not what's actually going on in your body. I bet a dollar that the gal reading your results doesn't know the brand of assay used, let alone its standard error, or how to interpret that information even if she had it. So while it's wrong on many levels to lay into you like that, it's probably not clinically warranted either. So extend that middle finger in her general direction, collect your premium reduction, and keep on keeping on.
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    That person is just mean & certainly not supportive or helpful. Focus on next year. When you come back after having been doing this for 14 months, your #s are going to be great! You will have the last laugh when you get to tell her "I told you so!"
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It took a while to put it on, it is going to take a while to get it off. Just keep forging ahead.
  • Joanne_happygramma
    Joanne_happygramma Posts: 207 Member
    What a horrible experience especially at this time in your journey. It's too bad you got a health care "professional" with zero people skills and no idea that us humans are not created equal. I have always been overweight but I naturally have great cholesterol numbers, my late husband was naturally slim and slender and his cholesterol numbers were extremely high...go figure. I have been slogging through this journey on MFP for almost three years. I lost a lot in the beginning, I have kept 30 pound off, the last two years I have bounced back and forth the same 15 pounds, but never once did I give up, this is about us. No one can get in our way except ourselves and if we give up on ourselves we are the only loser, OK if I don't fix this my family might lose me.
    Please please please do not give up on yourself. It's not easy, but I know I am happier when I am in the rythmn which I am again for the umpteenth time. Hugs!!!
  • FitKat123
    FitKat123 Posts: 71 Member
    Just remember that you're doing this for you, not anyone else. You alone know how hard you have worked. Take pride in that and don't let anybody diminish your efforts. Especially someone who doesn't even know you. You don't have to prove anything to anyone else. Congrats on your accomplishments thus far, there will be many more if you keep doing what you're doing.
  • cindyncharles
    cindyncharles Posts: 1 Member
    Listen. You drew a line and STARTED! Don't look at how far you have to go, look at the progress you have made!! Don't allow what ignorant people say, derail you from the awesome steps you have made! Keep on keeping on!! And GOOD FOR YOU and WAY TO GO!! It will all be worth it!
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    You are doing great! Keep up the good work! I am sorry the lady at the health check up didn't congratulate you on making the choice to get healthy and instead chose to demean you. I can imagine it was a very hurtful experience. You know the truth. Remind yourself of all the victories you have experienced and are experiencing to replace her negativity with truth. You may want to keep a list of victories for when other negative experiences occur, and they will. It might just be you have a week where you don't lose weight and you feel discouraged. At such times, remembering things like you can wear a blouse you haven't been able to fit in to for a while, your endurance is greater during exercise, you feel better, your self confidence is higher, you are healthier, etc. can really provide a needed boost. MFP is a great place to get support you may not get otherwise. Best wishes as you continue on your journey!
  • ldowdesw
    ldowdesw Posts: 222 Member
    She probably doesn't know her head from her tail!! I save a vacant look for people like this and would usually say something like 'I'm glad I don't have to listen to you everyday because your positivity would be crippling!!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    They are trained to educate people about the risks and are probably used to hearing lots of excuses. I understand it's aggravating, but don't let them stop you. Now is the time to keep going and prove them wrong by next year!