A real kick in the pants...rant



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It took a while to put it on, it is going to take a while to get it off. Just keep forging ahead.
  • Joanne_happygramma
    Joanne_happygramma Posts: 207 Member
    What a horrible experience especially at this time in your journey. It's too bad you got a health care "professional" with zero people skills and no idea that us humans are not created equal. I have always been overweight but I naturally have great cholesterol numbers, my late husband was naturally slim and slender and his cholesterol numbers were extremely high...go figure. I have been slogging through this journey on MFP for almost three years. I lost a lot in the beginning, I have kept 30 pound off, the last two years I have bounced back and forth the same 15 pounds, but never once did I give up, this is about us. No one can get in our way except ourselves and if we give up on ourselves we are the only loser, OK if I don't fix this my family might lose me.
    Please please please do not give up on yourself. It's not easy, but I know I am happier when I am in the rythmn which I am again for the umpteenth time. Hugs!!!
  • FitKat123
    FitKat123 Posts: 71 Member
    Just remember that you're doing this for you, not anyone else. You alone know how hard you have worked. Take pride in that and don't let anybody diminish your efforts. Especially someone who doesn't even know you. You don't have to prove anything to anyone else. Congrats on your accomplishments thus far, there will be many more if you keep doing what you're doing.
  • cindyncharles
    cindyncharles Posts: 1 Member
    Listen. You drew a line and STARTED! Don't look at how far you have to go, look at the progress you have made!! Don't allow what ignorant people say, derail you from the awesome steps you have made! Keep on keeping on!! And GOOD FOR YOU and WAY TO GO!! It will all be worth it!
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    You are doing great! Keep up the good work! I am sorry the lady at the health check up didn't congratulate you on making the choice to get healthy and instead chose to demean you. I can imagine it was a very hurtful experience. You know the truth. Remind yourself of all the victories you have experienced and are experiencing to replace her negativity with truth. You may want to keep a list of victories for when other negative experiences occur, and they will. It might just be you have a week where you don't lose weight and you feel discouraged. At such times, remembering things like you can wear a blouse you haven't been able to fit in to for a while, your endurance is greater during exercise, you feel better, your self confidence is higher, you are healthier, etc. can really provide a needed boost. MFP is a great place to get support you may not get otherwise. Best wishes as you continue on your journey!
  • ldowdesw
    ldowdesw Posts: 222 Member
    She probably doesn't know her head from her tail!! I save a vacant look for people like this and would usually say something like 'I'm glad I don't have to listen to you everyday because your positivity would be crippling!!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    They are trained to educate people about the risks and are probably used to hearing lots of excuses. I understand it's aggravating, but don't let them stop you. Now is the time to keep going and prove them wrong by next year!