Goal to be out off 200's by end of the year

My Current Goal I'm working on is getting under 200 pounds and I'm only 27 pounds away from hitting that goal and I know I can reach it, my ultimate goal for total weight loss is 70 pounds. My daily exercise consists of getting up at 6:00am and leaving around 6:10am for a 5 Mile Walk Monday-Friday before work. I'm also in the process of changing my diet and working on drinking more water which I'm doing very well at now. Please feel free to add me as a friend. :p


  • Jwarn001
    Jwarn001 Posts: 2 Member
    I am right t/here with you! I have a bit to go to get under 200 myself. I don't have a specific #of pounds to lose though (ultimate goal weight). I know that when my body has reached its 'weight of choice' so to speak, I will know. I'm so afraid of setting a specific goal and then obsessing about the numbers!
  • skmonak
    skmonak Posts: 88 Member
    I too would love to be below 200 by the end of the year. However, I will have to lose 77 pounds to realize that goal. That would be about 16 pounds a month for the next 5 months or 4 pounds a week. I think I can manage that. I've lost 25 in the last 2 months and I've only just begun to eat clean in earnest and my workouts at the gym are much longer and more intense then earlier this year as I have managed to build a little muscle and endurance. It's a good goal to work for and even if I miss it by 8-12 pounds I will still be way lighter then I am now. My sister has been trying for the past two years to get below 200 but can't seem to lose those last few pounds. She has Sarcoidosis and has to take steroids so that really messes with her weight. Maybe she I and can help each other out by competing a little to meet that goal. Anyway, great goal fattynomore and Jwarn and I hope you both meet it and more. Let's keep each other posted on our successes and we will celebrate our liberation together in January 2017.
  • fattynomore78
    fattynomore78 Posts: 85 Member
    Sounds like a plan
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    I hit 198 this morning by just because of the pain meds. I am miserable from them at this point. I can't eat because of them but then feel sick because I am not eating enough. I think I may go to just Tylenol, we will see. 27 pounds is nothing, you can do it. Try making small goals. I have mine set at 10 pounds a time, so it doesn't seem like so much. I know I will have to be super careful with my food when I get my appetite back. I do t want to gain any weight back.
  • fattynomore78
    fattynomore78 Posts: 85 Member
    ya I thought about that I need to go in small goals this morning I weighed and I'm down to 225.4 so ya I know I can do it