Can you have a treat? and if so how often (e.g. take away)

Can you still have a succesful weightloss with out having to cut out all treats. Like a pudding or a takeaway (so you go over the goal calories by this website) everyso often. like 1 time a month etc


  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    Of course! I'd even say you need to treat yourself once in a while to keep yourself sane. It's not a big deal (to me) to go over my calorie goal once in a while. Some people who use MFP treat themselves once a week and still lose weight successfully.
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    Pfft totally! :) Even a treat daily is alright as long as it fits in with your calories. I like to save the days where I know I will go over by a lot and not give a crap about counting, to once a month. Don't go CRAZY on weekends, but you can allow yourself to have a little more treats and strive to fit it in your calorie goals. You can still lose weight with junk treats here and there, but moderation is key. :)
  • genie98
    genie98 Posts: 62
    I still have my little treats. I try to count them in my calories so I don't go over. However, I have been doing this for almost 3 months and have gone over cals about 3 times. I think it is good for you sometimes. It keeps your body guessing.
  • cluebra
    cluebra Posts: 3
    thanks :) made me feel a lot better. I mean i was supposed to have a takeway with friends today and all thought i added it to my diary i didnt have one, and when they go out for meals i try to avoid it so its being spoiling my social life really. Even when we go to the pub,I dont drink anyway, but when i get a j20 all i think is " this is 130 calories if a have another i will be over my limit " :(
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    thanks :) made me feel a lot better. I mean i was supposed to have a takeway with friends today and all thought i added it to my diary i didnt have one, and when they go out for meals i try to avoid it so its being spoiling my social life really. Even when we go to the pub,I dont drink anyway, but when i get a j20 all i think is " this is 130 calories if a have another i will be over my limit " :(

    When you know you'll be over if you have another treat, and it's just some weekend (not your special once a month cheat day), first think about how you'll feel afterward. Will the guilt be worth it?

    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels! ;)<3
    good luck babe.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    If I were to not treat myself I would not be successful!! I cheat daily in very small doses. I buy the Keebler 100 calorie snack packs. I also buy fat free puddings, jello and Hershey kisses.
  • shtaylor
    shtaylor Posts: 54
    I include my treat in with my daily calorie alotment (1200). I have a Skinny Cow Ice cream sandwich almost every evening and it only comes to 140 calories. Don't deprive your self of certain things you enjoy. There are alternatives to your favorites, example potato chips, besure to measure your serving size don't eat out of the bag, and buy the BAKED ones vs the fried. Also I highly recommend the web site. There are terrific recipes on it.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,281 Member
    There are treats and treats. I have small dark chocolate squares around for a small treat when I need one and it keeps me from bigger ones and part of chocolate has some benefit to weight loss and health. Less often I have treats especially on holidays. I almost always have these when I have extra calories and have eaten healthily. Once I just wanted some treats I missed so I said for a day or 2 I was just going to stay under maintenance. It really helped me continue. It really depends on how much you have to lose/time it will take to reach your goal. Strict diets don't last as long. Then a higher calorie day here and there has been known to stave off a plateau. It is really what your deficit is on a weekly basis not daily however alot of junk will hurt irrespective of the calories.
  • michalita
    michalita Posts: 27
    I treat myself all the time. It isn't a diet, it's a way of eating and living. If I didn't go to Chipotle or have pizza, I'd feel deprived, and that's no way to live. I got down to my goal weight in less than 5 months eating pizza, chocolate, and tacos. IN MODERATION. And not exclusively by a long shot. If you don't let yourself have things, you will always feel a bit resentful and not fully in it for the long haul.
  • gregthegroove
    I agree. This should not be a race really. This is something that can potentially be done forever. So would you be able to cut out cheats or sweets or fast food FOREVER? Probably not. Just dont overdo it and when you do, its REAL important to jump back on, excersise, eat right and dont change your routine because of a cheat day or a vacation. It is what it is. You will eventually get to goal weight if you just give yourself time. Time is all it is. Good luck!