Push me!

Full time work
Full time kids
Full time snacker


When I did the 30ds before I had great success; but, that was when i wasn't working. It's been a long time, and since then I've struggled with motivation.

I know the gist. I have to want it bad enough. I do, I'm ready. I'm going to hate it and try to get out of it after about 7 minutes into the workout.

I need a change, and I could use a committed friend to help push me each night to get up and do the shred. Just someone to remind me to go!

I don't really have anyone to answer to accept myself and I am excellent at ignoring that.

I've gained that weight back. Pics are old.


  • HeavenLeAngel127
    HeavenLeAngel127 Posts: 211 Member
    Will not all the weight was gained back, that was a bit dramatic.

    Point still stands though!
  • Nads36
    Nads36 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi I can sympathise....I too work and have to juggle the family especially as my partners job is demanding so home stuff falls on me! I too did well before and got down to a really low weight (for me anyway). I have the 30 day shred so maybe we do it together. I too need a push. So let's start today...what time do you plan to do your session? I have a good 8 & 1/2 stone to lose...never been this heavy EVER...so I am mortified! But I have to start somewhere and here sounds fab to me! :smile: We can do it!!