Confusion in weighing

whats the best method for weighting. I ask this as this is what happened today (sorry if i give too much info)
I woke up and went to the tolet for wee -> weiged myself at about 11am and it was 179.4 lbs
had smal bowl of cheerios and a glass of water and went to the toilet for a number 2. Wiehgted my self again which ust have been about 20-30 mins from first time and it was nw up to 181.5 pounds

Throught the day a ate humus and pitta breads,water, tea, careel wafer, choc fin, pop corn, then a take away of pizza, naan bread, chips, coke (it was to celebrate my last day before the serious diet kicks in, lol, this is not my usual diet)

So i am about to go to bed( about 1am and thought to myself, I bet i weight loads now but i had gone down to 177 pounds!!?? I double cheked and used other scales and it was right.


  • kimdawn1999
    It's really best to be consistent in the weight you are tracking. Weight fluctuates without rhyme or reason throughout the day. As hard as it is, I try and only weigh in once a week, first thing in the morning after I use the restroom. I drove myself crazy in the past by weighing in multiple times a day, every day.
  • spim
    spim Posts: 31 Member
    I usually weigh myself first thing in the morning (after the wee), lots of things change how much you weigh during the day, so first thing in the morning is usually the best time to do it, and try to always do it at that time.

    Edit: beaten to it :(
  • Vcaser
    Vcaser Posts: 36
    You'll go crazy if you weigh yourself like that all the time. As you noticed, there are ups and downs throughout the day. Pick a time once a week to do it. In the morning when you get up, undressed, after going to the bathroom works best for me.
  • BonLou76
    BonLou76 Posts: 36
    Your weight fluctuates all the time so if you check it multiple times throughout the day and week you'll drive yourself nuts! Best thing to do is weigh yourself once a week, same day every week, and in the morning. Good luck:)

    Haha ...I got beat in the posting time but good to know we all have the same opinion!
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    I hate the scale for that reason! I weight at 5:45 am on the 1st of each month. That's all I can handle.
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    I hate the scale for that reason! I weight at 5:45 am on the 1st of each month. That's all I can handle.

    This is one of the smartest suggestions I have seen- THANK YOU!!