hello Beautiful people:)

I am new to this app and would love to meet some people who are going down the same path that i am, and maybe share ideas to weight loss or someone to just be a motivational friend.


  • louiecherone862
    louiecherone862 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey how are you I've just started and had a great first day !!
  • norcal_mommie92
    norcal_mommie92 Posts: 5 Member
    That is awesome. This is the beginning of my second week and boy its been pretty tricky trying to keep track of calories ive never tried to loose weight this way. I've just always have been a gym freak lol. do you have a long term goal ? :)
  • ehine1
    ehine1 Posts: 28 Member
    Best of luck to you!