I'm new and need help, want to reach my goal weight.

Looking for new friends for support. On fitbit but still a couch potato. I can also use suggestion on foods and snacks. So not sure how this works but hope to hear from anybody.


  • Pelses
    Pelses Posts: 10 Member
    You will do fine bud. Just start off day by day and it will work out for you. I did pretty well on here before but had setbacks. Just keep pushing forward and remember that one day doesn't ruin you.
  • spiveaa
    spiveaa Posts: 1,387 Member
    Well john, first thing you have to do is figure where you want to be and what your goals you want to achieve. I will be glad to talk with ya bout my routines, and eating habits. Friend me up and lets start moving our *kitten* off the couch!