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Looking for some support

kris7872 Posts: 11 Member
Hi everyone

I have been following ketogenics since the end of April. I've lost 30 pounds and I am happy with that so far. I don't get much support at home so I am looking for some support here to keep me motivated.



  • tahinaperez
    tahinaperez Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Kristina!!
    30 lbs! That's great! Congrats! Yea sometimes family doesn't always play the role we need them to....but just keep on trekking. :)
  • Pelses
    Pelses Posts: 10 Member
    That's fantastic! Family and you should be very proud
  • bamadoll13
    bamadoll13 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2016
    Great job! I know it's not easy. So proud of you!
  • Zetta2001
    Zetta2001 Posts: 16 Member
    That's amazing! Feel free to add me if you want more support x
  • NancyCaz61
    NancyCaz61 Posts: 136 Member
    Congrats to you, that's awesome! You'll find lots of motivation and support here. I just sent you a friend request :)
  • edrobles99
    edrobles99 Posts: 58 Member
    Congrats to you! Feel free to add me, the more the merrier!