New to MFP .... need help....

So this is my 2nd day on MFP and i am still learning the rope around the app itself. I have few questions and it would be great if someone can point me in a right direction

1. If u lose any weight do u change it in the setting ?? Eg i am currently (embarassed to say) 244 lbs n if i lose 2 lbs in a week them do i change the weight or just follow the current calorie intake and carry on??

2. My.calorie intake is for 1400 and i aim to burn calorie (treadmill) around 80-100, so should i still have my calorie intake upto or less then 1400 or add the burned calories in too ??

Hope it makes sense. I would also like to make some friends along this new journey so pls add me :)


  • Vampireneko
    Vampireneko Posts: 66 Member
    Hi there, welcome to MFP! Firstly, yes when you lose weight - you can "Check in" and update your weight on the app. It adjusts your calories burned while doing exercise - because the lighter you get - the less calories your body burns while it's active. So this will help you get a more accurate reading of how much you are burning. Your calorie intake however, is somewhat similar. The less you weigh, the less calories you need to maintain that weight, and the less to keep you in a deficit - to lose weight. I hope you understand what I'm saying here!

    For now, 1400 seems VERY reasonable, but I would just like to note that if you have your calories set to 1400, it means 1400 NET. Net means, you should log all of your exercise calories. It will be your calories eaten - your calories exercised = 1400. If you're aiming for less, then less. But you should never net less than 1200 calories for a safe rate of weight loss.

    I think for sure 1400 is a great starting point for you, you can adjust it as you go along if you find you are too aggressive (get too hungry and lose weight quite quickly) - remember it's not a race, it's a marathon for your health.

    I hope that helps! Good job for coming here, I know you can do it!
  • Pr1yankaa
    Pr1yankaa Posts: 45 Member
    Ty so much it makes alot of sense and i know what to do for now.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    As you get closer to your goal weight you will probably want to slow down your weekly goal- to 1.5 and then 1 pound and then .5 pound per week (when you're down to the last 10). There's a chart sometimes people post regarding that- if you have X amount then set it to 2 pounds per week and then as it goes down set it to less and less per week. I ate back all exercise calories at first but as I got closer to my goal I ate back half and then for those last 5-7 difficult pounds I didn't eat back any (but that's just what worked for me when I plateaued). Some days I only exercised so I could eat a few more calories that day- got to get motivation somewhere right? And I agree- not a race so take your time and stick with it and you will lose. Forgive yourself if you mess up and get right back on the next day. Read the forums a lot (I especially would lurk around success stories for inspiration- there are a lot of those). Good luck!!