Hi - Looking for Friends

yellow265 Posts: 2 Member
edited July 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Been on MFP off and on, track a little, but not consistent. My goal is to lose 100lbs. I am tired and want to feel better. Looking for friends -- let's motivate and support each other. Feel free to add me! Thanks. :)


  • JDinVT
    JDinVT Posts: 4 Member
    I have a 55 pound goal. I am not sure how this will help but I am going to give it a try.
  • NancyCaz61
    NancyCaz61 Posts: 136 Member
    Good morning! I sent you both a friend request...it's so much more fun and motivating to do this together!
  • creolefitness
    creolefitness Posts: 13 Member
    You're right it's more rewarding become fit and health with a positive support groups. Just sent a friend request.
  • danicanash
    danicanash Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me as I am looking for friends to motivate me as well!
  • jor3c
    jor3c Posts: 40 Member
    Good Morning, Been on MFP for a couple years (used another app. to start and converted to MFP) in order to loose weight, get healthier and be more conscious of what I was eating. Been a learning process & I am not always as motivated as I should be...lost over 50 pounds slow and steady...been not so good and have gone up a bit but trying to rein myself back in and work on getting back on track.
    It is a process and support is Always a Wonderful thing. One thing I have learned is be easy on yourself and realize you need to treat yourself as nice as you would treat your friends going through the process. (Easier said than done I Know).