Help/advice please! Keto whilst away

samalot Posts: 5 Member
edited July 2016 in Food and Nutrition
I'm going to a festival this weekend. I started keto last thurs and feel amazing, 8lb down. I always suffered with bloating after meals and don't want to come off of keto whilst im away. Im struggling to think what i could take with me, so far ive come up with -
Tinned fish, tuna, salmon etc
Butter and uht cream for a bullet coffee
Only drinking the alcohols allowed, vodka etc

Any other suggestions would be great
Thanks :)


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Hard boiled eggs? Is that keto?
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
  • JDinVT
    JDinVT Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2016
    --Do you will have a big cooler? If you are bringing your own food, you will save money as compared to eating from vendors, and be taking care of yourself. SO I SUGGEST SPENDING YOUR MONEY ON ICE FROM VENDORS FOR YOUR COOLER INSTEAD. Keep your "investment" in yourself cool. Bring an extra beach towel or blanket to keep over top of your cooler to help keep it insulated.
    --I buy two pounds of sliced turkey or any other deli meat (& cheese, too, if you're not dairy-free). Ask the deli to bag it in half-pound portions... & make sure you ZIP LOCK baggie EVERYTHING up... when the ice melts into water, then you'll still be okay. Invest in the Freezer bags so they're stronger, thicker and hold up ok against the potential that you will come back to camp to find everything floating in water in the cooler... I make "roll ups" and eat them straight. Sometimes I add avocado, mustard or humus then roll them up with turkey & cheese and eat as finger food. NO BREAD.
    --Yes! Boiled eggs are a GREAT suggestion (above^healthygreek) & super easy for festivals/camping. I bet you all your friends will be asking for one... I suggest you boil the whole dozen, bc (a) they're cheap & (b) everyone will be asking you for one. ZIP LOCK THESE TOO: hardboil, then cool in fridge, then toss them all in a ziplock bag (i.e., don't peel them until you're at the campsite/ready to eat; keeps them fresher at "time of eating" as opposed to prepeeling before bagging!)
    --Make yourself some tuna salad at home, prepare with all normal goodies: chopped celery, dill, scallions, olives or capers, mayo (I use veganaise) or Paleo-style by using lime juice & olive oil instead of mayo... and put this into tupperware container. I suggest you make this one of your first or second meals. FYI I personally also put a ziplock baggie full of spinach in the cooler; spread the tuna salad all over the spinach at your mealtime, and the tuna salad becomes the "dressing" on the spinach). Eat this as your first or second meal (a) then you can take the tupperware out of the cooler to make space (b) you can reuse the tunasalad tupperware container as a "plate/bowl" for your other meals if needed (c) & because its fish, lol, you won't want to leave it to unpredicatble temperatures (d) take the spinach OUT of the plastic bin it comes in at home and zip lock baggie it (again, melting ice/water preventative).
    -- Don't forget about NUTS (if youre not allergic), beef jerky & other dehydrated items.
    -- Hope this helps? I camp a lot. Have fun!!