Hair Loss

I do not know whether to be concerned (to the point of making an appt with my dr) or not. I am losing hair, far more noticeably than is normal. Postpartum type hair loss, for those of you who have been pregnant. I'd say I'm losing 2-3 times the amount of hair that I usually lose over the course of a day.

Some Google work tells me that hair loss is a common side effect of RAPID weight loss. I've lost 45 pounds since February 15th. I wouldn't have classified that as rapid, but maybe I am mistaken?

I think my diet is pretty good. I mainly stick to fruits, vegetables, cheese and lean meats. I've cut out processed carbs almost completely, although not entirely. I get at LEAST 1200 calories a day and I try to eat back at least half of my exercise calories. The only medications that I'm currently taking/using are doxycycline and two topical acne treatments. I take a multivitamin, calcium supplement and biotin daily as well.

Any thoughts/help/really obvious thing I'm missing?


  • chrisfnet
    chrisfnet Posts: 83
    Hmm. I would contact your physician.
  • emilyr9602
    emilyr9602 Posts: 51 Member
    I'd definitely say that you need to be getting ATLEAST 1200 net calories a day...getting less than that puts your body in starvation mode & hair loss is an effect of that. I'd make an appt. with your physician and work on getting 1200 cals in even after exercise!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I've lost almost 20 since March and am losing hair too. By the handfuls sometimes. I've heard others say the same, but have seen no real solutions.
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    My first guess is probably not weight loss....but probably need to go see your doctor anyway. Hormones/thyroid come to mind first, and they might have been altered by your weight loss (those are also why you lose hair post-partum). Simple blood test could tell you. You have lost a lot of weight, but I would check with your doctor before making any further changes.
  • beautifulcold
    Are you on doxycycline for cystic acne? I was on a medication similar to that, along with tretinoin for my acne. I lost a ton of hair — seriously, I went from having a ponytail that has a six inch circumference to barely three inches. My doctor didn't think it was too bad, but it took about a year for my hair to stop falling out. I started losing hair within two months of starting that antibiotic, and have been off of it for months, and my hair is only now starting to come back.

    However, everyone is different and I would recommend seeing your doctor to make sure everything is okay.
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    Are you on doxycycline for cystic acne? I was on a medication similar to that, along with tretinoin for my acne. I lost a ton of hair — seriously, I went from having a ponytail that has a six inch circumference to barely three inches. My doctor didn't think it was too bad, but it took about a year for my hair to stop falling out. I started losing hair within two months of starting that antibiotic, and have been off of it for months, and my hair is only now starting to come back.

    However, everyone is different and I would recommend seeing your doctor to make sure everything is okay.

    Yes! That is exactly why I'm on the doxy. Plus Atralin, which is a retinoid. I will definitely have to get in to see my doctor now. It's either those meds or something with my diet and exercise.

    Thanks so much for responding, everyone!