New here - 1 year after baby and need to lose weight

cmills11 Posts: 8
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
I've been here for awhile. Never really committing to it because of all the sleepless nights and hectic schedules. I am starting the South Beach Diet and tracking my progress. I have done this before and it worked well. Just need the motivation. Sleep, cut the C.R.A.P and walk up 8 flights of stairs 3 times minimum a day.


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    My youngest baby just turned 1 too. Welcome.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Mine is 15m and I'm just now getting my *kitten* in gear, ugh!
  • KetoMomRN
    KetoMomRN Posts: 72 Member
    August baby here after one year! Feel free to add me! :)
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    You can do it. Take only one meal at a time, one day at a time, and one workout at a time. I have 5 kids...7,6,4,19 months and soon to be 5 months. I work out when I can...early in the AM, nap time, and then in evening after they hit the bed. I learned to forgive myself of the bad choices. I learned to breathe and know that I'm not perfect and I can do it. I hope you have a supportive family because that does make the difference. My hubby is very supportive and is understanding. Just know that it's a hard road but you can do it. just take the first step and then keep stepping. Keep your eye on the prize! :)
  • Congratulation on the beautiful baby! I have two boys at home - one 3 yrs 6 months , and the little one 1yr 10 months. I am in the same boat with you trying to get back to pre-pregancy shape and most important to loose all the baby fat that is left on my belly. I am trying to stay active - go 2-3 times to the gym a week and also watch what I eat - cut the carbs and eat more proteins. It's hard to stay on top of it but I keep trying.... as long as I don't give up.... wish you luck.
  • devteach1
    devteach1 Posts: 26
    I sooo hear you! I have a 2 yr old and a 3 month old! I am also trying to get down to pre baby weight (or actually pre wedding weight..and minus some). Please add me, and we can do this together!!!
  • cmills11
    cmills11 Posts: 8
    Thanks for the welcome and confirming that I'm not the only one who has procrastinated getting back into optimal health. I am going to see a nutritionist on Friday and get a benchmark of my health. I hate the idea of "diets" so I want to talk to someone who can help me change my lifestyle in my eating habits. The exercise is a chore too, but finding creative ways to play with my son and exercise will help.

    Nice to meet you all. Lets get healthy!
  • Congrats on your baby!

    I'm another mommy that's new-ish here, too. I have a 2.5 year old & a 9 month old and I am trying to get rid of this pesky pregnancy weight as well! :)
  • Well weight loss isn't easy but neither is most things in our lives. Last New Year’s is when I made the resolution to lose weight. I tried quite a few failing ideas before coming across a site called It was the first review I ever ready about anything and to be honest it sucked me in lol. After following that program, about 8 months later I'm 87 pounds lighter and have a visible 2 pack of abs (working on a 4pack lol). Anyways It doesn't matter what you do to lose weight as much as it matters to remind yourself that you can never give up and always push yourself further then the day before. Because remember while others sleep, we are running.
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