Stopping emotional eating



  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    Well, you have conquered the first step.... you realize what the problem is.. I too was an emotional eater and also a bored eater....I really do not think there is a "one size fits all" plan to this, but just learning what brings on the feeling of wanting to binge can help. What has helped me is every time I get that "feeling" I ask myself am I really hungry? Or am I bored and/ or emotional? Is eating this """" going to make anything better? YES, I pretty much talk to myself and then get up and do something.. ANYTHING just to get my mind off of it..

    yes. you are right.. i don't think there is a one size fit all background, my trials, and my relationships is different from the person on my right or left but we can definately find coping mechanisms that can help us until we can estabalish healthier habits.
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello world or people of america. This morning, i realized we have to confront our feelings or the people or situation that makes us drown. I've been having a difficult time at the stores close to where i currently reside. I've felt very negative feelings each time i purchased and ate. these feelings and action led to huge down turns on a weekly basis. So today, i took action and i called a manager to complain about a rude cashier. the cashier was very intimadting. It made me turn away and i left the store upset and aggravated. I spoke to the store manager about the situation and she said she was going to handle it. My point is let us not drown in these emotions projected from others to toward ourselves. I know i've been dealing with this for the past few years. make it a point to speak up and speak that we can prevent emotional eating, compulsive buying of food to cure our emotions.
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    Here is an idea after a bad night with not eat immediately the next morning....wait until you feel better. drink warm water, or even coffee if you like...if you can excercise, sun bathe, going for a walk do that. this might help decrease the emotion. I would wait until 12 or 1 pm to eat and when you do eat start with something light. it will help decrease the heavy feeling of food. can this stop the viscious cycle? yes! knowing your triggers(external factors), be aware, and having a PLAN, all can help stop it.
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    Does anyone have any ideas or plans or actions that I can take to make-up for my compulsion spending on food? what can i do to redeem myself and my body? i still feel do i redeem my body and money.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I don't think you can undo spending or eating. But you can be better prepared for next time. Write a list of what you need, and bring just enough money to buy what's on the list. The worst that can heppen then, is that you don't get what you wanted, but you can take that as a learning opportunity.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    viola343 wrote: »
    Does anyone have any ideas or plans or actions that I can take to make-up for my compulsion spending on food? what can i do to redeem myself and my body? i still feel do i redeem my body and money.

    Do not bring money with you when you leave the house ;) If you have cash it's easy to convince yourself to go and buy that chocolate or ice cream or chip bag (or whatever) I find that unless I am deliberately going to shop, I try not to take cash. Of course I always have a credit card or debit for an emergency but if I am just going for a walk, I don't bring money.

    Also, when you do go shop, make a list and bring only enough cash to buy what is on it. That will make it impossible to spend on anything other than what you have to buy. Stick to your list and don't buy anything unless you have already added it.
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    @Koldnomore "Do not bring money with you when you leave the house." I think i can practice that. especially when that impulse hits. I notice sometimes its not the food i'm leaving the house form because i'm already full. I also realize on my way to the store, i end up not really wanting or eating the food but i still allow myself to buy it or get it anyways." Leave the purse at home.
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello! so how was last night? The good news was that there was no impulse buying and I returned what i bought the night before yesterday!! Also, I am looking forward to dealing with some of the emotions that has caused my food habits. Remember stick to your plan!! remember it can work!! a plan, a good professional, and a good support group can help overcome your challenges. Remember increase your power!! fight back!! do not eat your emotions!! and don't let it drown you!!
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi everybody, I copied this idea from a few women that i met in the past. these women tend to eat healthy and they said that at times they aren't full or satisfied so they made sure they had something guacamole, nuts, even a handful of chips...this way they will not over indulge in the yummy food but use it to help keep their hunger at bay. doing this you won't feel to heavy and you wont feel like you've eaten because you only had a portion so last night I snacked on nuts after my dinner because i needed something extra. so helpful reminder try to keep something around that keeps the hunger at bay and won't leave you wanting more.
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello, my morning today, i don't feel to motivated but I'm sure I can feel better as the day moves on. Again, i got too hungry and ate more than i think i should of my yummy food(mixed nuts)...I'm feeling a little bit bad because of it.
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    well...i will excercise to help with the over calorie and I know sometimes good food can get the best of us...maybe after that feeling of yumminess leaves, then i'll slow down...then i can properly portion my servings.
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    I will also watch my calorie today...I will try not to eat the same amount of calorie today like i ate yesterday...maybe it can help balence it out.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Don't feel bad for eating or for eating yummy food. Instead, plan better next time - maybe portion out in baggies and bring one bag. Eat to satiety, but not to stuffed. (You may have to teach yourself the difference and find techniques to do that, and practice, practice, practice.) Don't exercise to burn off calories or eat less to try to make up for any unplanned calories eaten. Just go back on plan. Exercise for fun and health.
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    its a new day..go back on plan.. :)
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello...Its a new day...what are my goals for what I am eating...practice mindfulness...ask how are my calories adding up? Can I stick to this plan for the rest of my goal is to eat for longevity....
    Plan #1--spread my meal3-6
    plan#2---leave purse at home if compulsive buying
    plan#3---eat gum
    distract yourself, think of something else, like going for long walks with plenty of distractions for my soul.
    plan#5----remember excercising does not mean allowing yourself...(i hate that)...I've had to allow myself because i excersied...(i've actually gained weight by eating and excersing) i concluded that excersing was an addition to healthy eating...
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    Options help...a physician...a therapist...a nutrtionist...these professionals can help... you ever wonder why many doctors tend to focus on excersing and eating healthy?...I've met doctors that use excersie and healthy eating as their lifestyle...
    plan#8.....sleep...have good family time....have good emotional connections....pull your feelings away from that you don't get depressed..
  • z4oslo
    z4oslo Posts: 229 Member
    Google TFT (Thought field therapy)
    Its something that really really works. (but you will look like a total maniac)

    Try this:

  • ptipton520
    ptipton520 Posts: 83 Member
    viola343 wrote: »
    Hi everybody, I copied this idea from a few women that i met in the past. these women tend to eat healthy and they said that at times they aren't full or satisfied so they made sure they had something guacamole, nuts, even a handful of chips...this way they will not over indulge in the yummy food but use it to help keep their hunger at bay. doing this you won't feel to heavy and you wont feel like you've eaten because you only had a portion so last night I snacked on nuts after my dinner because i needed something extra. so helpful reminder try to keep something around that keeps the hunger at bay and won't leave you wanting more.

    A lot of studies have shown that consuming a little fat like the items you suggest go along way toward making our brain cells feel satisfied.
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    I was a big emotional eater! But, I'm now a month in to my 'healthy eating/diet' and my mind now works the opposite way! If I give in to the junk food cravings now, I feel sluggish and down, sometimes I even feel sick! So when that cake is looking at me, I remind myself of how crappy I'm going to feel if I eat it. I find exercise is helping me a lot too. When I've finished a work out I feel a) happy and b) like I really want to eat well. You can do it, I promise
  • viola343
    viola343 Posts: 62 Member
    I am growing and slowing down. I've put on about 8 pounds from eating sugar, cookies and chips...these days i'm spending the money for healthier food and questioning less...its better to pay for a better you.