How do you all cope on an 'All Inclusive Holiday'??



  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I would eat ALL the food, and worry about the weight gain when i got home.

    I gained 5lbs last time i did a weeks all inclusive.

    Yeah, I eat all the things!!! When I get back I go back to counting calories.
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    I take my scale with me on vacation. I eat when it is great, and pass when it is not. I eat really small for two meals a day and save for the one big meal. I try to exercise while on vacation. Either swimming or hiking.
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    Not my food scale, but my body wt scale. I weigh myself daily. Just so I can keep myself aware, and possibly keep me in check.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    1. Continue to exercise first thing. a. High intensity interval training: sprint 30 seconds. Rest 90. Times 10. a. Or jump rope. c. Or calistenics. d. Go on lots of walking tours. 2. Typically when on vacation I only eat brunch and linner, and have a snack of dried nuts or fruit in between because I am out there seeing everything. Also, on my days off I fast from 2000-1200 and only eat during an 8 hour window so that my body starts burning fat after the first 12 hours and not just sugar. 3. Study out the food offered and only pick your favorites. Eat a highly nourishing meal so that you aren't starving by the time you hit the dessert table. Wait 15 minutes and only then Go BACK UP for the dessert. Don't take any on your first trip. They will look much less attractive after your hunger is satiated. 4. Eat a HALF portion of any treat. That way you can try both the eclair and the cream puff. You can also only eat the cream, and not the puff. I don't "waste" or is it waist? calories on drink whether they be alcohol or soda. 5. Keep posting, if only in a journal. You want to keep you good habits and hold yourself accountable.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    I try to enjoy myself and eat what I want and drink lots of alcohol :smiley:

    However, I do always go to the gym to lift weight and generally try to stay active. I also don't gorge myself to the point of feeling sick because that feels awful. In general I try to "get my money's worth" which means I eat the seafood, steak, etc. with fresh salads, fruits etc. Pizza, donuts, pastries I can eat all the time when not on vacation, why waste the money I paid on that?? I get the fresh made omelet with all the veggies I want, shrimp, steak, fish.

    I gain a few pounds when on vacation, some of it water weight that comes of in a few days. The rest can be knocked off in a week or so. So have fun!!
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    To each his or her own, I understand that, but I do not understand the "throw caution to the wind" approach to eating on vacation. If that works for you then have at it but it seems to me to be completely counterproductive to what we are here for - losing weight. If your new way of eating is truly a lifestyle change, then you dont bounce from mindful eating to pigging out over night, maintain that for two weeks and then go back to the straight and narrow path - thats like vegetarians indulging in bacon every sunday. And I dont understand how the focus of a holiday, whether it is all inclusive or not, is food. Are you going on vacation just to eat? I would think you would be able to do that far more cheaply by staying home and going restaurant hopping.

    When I go on holiday, my focus is on the activities I am hoping to participate in, the people I will meet, the sites I will see, not what am I going to eat next. On my last vacation (Alaska cruise - it was marvelous) I had my phone with me so I used the app and tried to estimate as best I could. I avoided what I knew to be carb or calorie dense stuff, ate lots of chicken, simply prepared things, watched my alcohol intake, and didnt have desserts or any splurges until the last day. I reasoned that if I started into the desserts from the first night, I wouldnt be able to control it, so I avoided them! One thing I will note is that my trip did not have buffets.

    Even without going over my calorie budgets each day, I had a fabulous time, and the food is the last thing I will remember about the trip (though the crab was exceptional). And I got back home without gaining an ounce. Actually, with all the extra activity, I think I lost a pound or two. Sorry, I dont want to sound holier than thou, but it is entirely possible to have a good time without food being the focus.

    So I guess you have to decide whether you are a short term or long term gratifier - can you accept that you will gain weight and abandon all moderation, or maintain your vigilance and go home with confidence?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you're going to the same resort we went to a few years ago self control will not be a problem......the food was bland and uninspired.

    Seriously though, a little self-control. Enjoy yourself but show a little restraint. One of the biggest culprits at these places is the free drinks, depending on your poison of choice even a moderate drinker can easily consume 800 -1,000 calories a day in liquid form.

    Most resorts will have something resembling a gym, make us of it; go for walks on the beach, play in the water....find ways to stay active and if you do put on a couple of pounds don't beat yourself up.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I try not to eat many if any sweets, that is just me, seems to help
  • AJF230
    AJF230 Posts: 81 Member
    cross2bear wrote: »
    To each his or her own, I understand that, but I do not understand the "throw caution to the wind" approach to eating on vacation. If that works for you then have at it but it seems to me to be completely counterproductive to what we are here for - losing weight. If your new way of eating is truly a lifestyle change, then you dont bounce from mindful eating to pigging out over night, maintain that for two weeks and then go back to the straight and narrow path - thats like vegetarians indulging in bacon every sunday. And I dont understand how the focus of a holiday, whether it is all inclusive or not, is food. Are you going on vacation just to eat? I would think you would be able to do that far more cheaply by staying home and going restaurant hopping.

    Boom. They way of your new healthy lifestyle is narrow. A holiday is not about food. Take your new mind and your smart choices with you, and enjoy your vacation without focusing on the next time to bend your elbow.
  • Original_Sinner
    Original_Sinner Posts: 180 Member
    I eat when I want and I don't eat when I don't want. I don't eat anything for the sake of eating it, I just eat when I'm hungry. I probably drink a little too much, but frankly I tend to maintain on these trips so I can't be drinking too over my TDEE.

    I don't track...but then again, we swim, we snorkel, we do stuff, we walk a lot and most of all make sure to get full use out of the amenities in our hotel room.

    AKA, we boink a lot.