Plateau--- Help

I am down 30-something pounds since February and don't get me wrong... I am thrilled! I have about 20 more to go to be at a healthy weight. I have seen a dietician and medical doctor and I know my metabolism is considered pretty slow. But for the last month things have slowed WAY down. I have been very good about sticking to my daily calories and have amped up / changed my workouts. I have added intervals in my cardio and have been tweeking my strength training in hopes of getting over this plateau... no luck. I have also noticed that my muscle definition is not what it used to be. A few years back I was actually 15 pounds heavier but felt more toned then I do now! Crazy right?! I am only 30, so I can't justify attributing this to age quite yet. :)

Any tips to get over the hump?


  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I have noticed my weight loss is like a roller coaster =/ When I get stuck I eat back more of my exercise cal's and mix up my workouts a little. It hasn't let me down yet.... my longest plateau was 9 days.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hey and great job so far! What are you daily calories set at? Have you changed them up any since you started? I know I hit a plateau a few months ago and raised mine and that helped boost my metabolism big time and am still having weight loss.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I can't see your diary, but this is a very familiar story to many people as they get close to goal. Don't give up. The best news may actually be that you need to eat MORE!

    Check out the first post in this thread and see if it applies in your situation. It was the official "lightbulb" for me.

  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    "weight " (lol) it out. I just broke a month long plateau where I bounced around the same 3.5 lbs up and down. Everyone kept telling me to wait and keep doing what i was doing and there would be a change. And it came today. Keep going , and don't do what I did - become completely obsessed by the scale while totally ignoring the NSV's ! you're doing great !
  • sweetsteph03
    sweetsteph03 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am at 1,200 calories a day. My dietician set me at 1,400-1,500 when I first started the journey but I was getting no results so we dropped them down.
    I am not gonna lie... it freaks me out to try and go back above 1,200. I am so scared to put weight back on!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    are you netting 1200 cals? or are you just eating 1200 calories and then working out, thereby actually netting something much lower than 1200?

    If the latter is the case, read my profile and you'll see that's what I did for more than a year (without realizing it). That was "the year of extra weight". Once I realized I had to replace my workout burns with nutritional calories, I have lost 12 pounds in 6 weeks.

    Do read the first post of the thread above.

  • sweetsteph03
    sweetsteph03 Posts: 22 Member
    @sleepytexan-- At first I was trying to stick to 1,200 with or without exercise. I am pretty new to the site and mostly use my phone app so I was a little unclear on the exercise calories at first. For about the last month I have been eating the extra exercise calories for the most part. (sometimes a little bit under). I got to the point where my workouts were so intense that I had to eat more.

    I did read the post you mentioned and it was helpful. I will take a look at your profile as well! PS- Just got back from TX! My son's name is Dallas (10 months) and I brought him down to meet the family down there for the first time. I was so proud of myself... no fried catfish, no hush puppies...
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    ha ha! good for you!!

    In my case I have to be careful to eat them all; I try hard not to leave even 100 remaining. So counter-intuitive, but it has been a fantastic thing for me to learn!